Chapter 13. Alibi

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In their shared dorm, Madeline waved goodbye to her roommate as she rushed out of the door. Clearly, very excited for her spontaneous date with George that evening.

Apparently, whilst Madeline had been busy fleeing from Study Hall—and Fred, George had surprised Jolie with an impromptu date after Potions that afternoon.

This surprise had led the roommates and Daphne to prep for the outing with less time than they expected. 

And as she fluffed Jolie's hair, and Daphne helped apply the finishing touches to her makeup, Madeline could only think about how she wanted moments like this to never end.

Even when Jolie tried on what felt like the millionth outfit and shoe combination, Madeline had never felt more connected with the girls that had been mere strangers not more than a month ago.

As Jolie rushed out the door, Madeline glanced around their room to the various strewn clothing and grinned.

The grin was partially due to Daphne's still firm grip on Tea Kettle as she waltzed around the room, humming a romantic melody to the cat.

"Where do you think he's taking her?" Madeline asked Daphne and her dance partner.

"I don't know," Daphne replied, shrugging. "But I'm sure it will be romantic."

The witch giggled to herself, and after another drawn and irritated meow from Tea Kettle, she placed the cat back onto Jolie's clothing-covered bed.

Madeline laughed. She began levitating articles of clothing into the wardrobe like she had done when the girls were primping their friend.

Their room was what some could refer to as a disaster.

Madeline, however, was appreciative of the extra practice in Charms.

Her wand, which at one point in time had felt new and foreign, now felt as if it were an extension of her. The sycamore wood fit perfectly in the curves of her palm as she flicked it effortlessly through the air and repeated the Levitation Charm.

Even after nearly hurling a blouse into Daphne's head, she knew she was improving, not perfecting.

When the last top was hung in the wardrobe, Madeline turned her attention to tidying up by hand.

She found herself searching for the perfect record to play.

Their newest addition to the collection, Waterloo by ABBA, was sent by Ms Whitby along with the fresh nougat in her latest package. Though Madeline hesitantly shared the sweets with her friends, they enjoyed listening to the album together—particularly Daphne, who tried her best to sing every word.

Madeline ended up choosing one of her favourites and something both she and Daphne would enjoy.

After unsheathing the cover and carefully placing the vinyl on the gramophone, the soft piano of Elton John's Candle In The Wind began to play.

Daphne squealed with glee and Madeline sported the back of her hand against her forehead in a swoon.

"What do you reckon they're doing? A candlelit dinner, or perhaps dancing under the moonlight?" Madeline asked over the music.

Although the song was a sorrowful tribute to the late Marilyn Monroe, Madeline still loved it unconditionally.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Daphne said, matching her dramatics. She extended her hand to Madeline in a silent request for a dance.

Madeline accepted her hand and twirled under her friend's arm. They danced a few steps together. Madeline tried to follow her friend's lead, but it only led to them breaking apart and twirling alongside each other.

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