Chapter 3. Tongue-Tied

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Quick little a/n, thank you all so much for the support, votes, and comments on my first fic. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.  :') 


Madeline followed as Jolie navigated toward the dungeons.

It was growing much darker, colder, and much quieter than the bustling Great Hall. As students began to dismiss toward their houses, Madeline overheard tours of prefects and their respective groups of first years.

When the pair finally reached the common room, Jolie had to pull Madelines elbow toward the dormitories to keep her from staring any longer.

The Slytherin common room was just as she expected—hoped for.

She took in every detail as she walked alongside her friend and roommate.

Madeline thought the furniture of the common room looked similar to her own home. She wondered if this is where her father drew inspiration for the interior decorating.

From the several lamps and the floor to ceiling windows, a green tint illuminated across the common room, exposing the deepest parts of the black lake just outside.

Madeline didn't particularly like water; she did not know how to swim. But it'd be acceptable to have her Hogwarts quarters below the surface, as long as she didn't stare at the window too long.

After being hauled through, what seemed to be, an endless circle of the corridor itself, Jolie pushed open the door to their own dormitory. A small silver plaque beside the handle read 'Prefect.'

Prefect, plus one, Madeline thought as they entered.

On one of the perfectly-made beds, Madeline saw a fluffy tuxedo cat was already perched atop the duvet. Well, prefect, plus two, she supposed.

Jolie must have seen Madeline looking at the furry cat.

"Lilith, this is Tea Kettle," she mused, watching her cat with evident pride.

"Erm, hi, Tea—Kettle?"

The cat only blinked at her.

Jolie grinned, unperturbed by Madeline's hesitation. Apparently, Madeline would not be receiving any explanation on the cat's name this evening.

Their trunks were already settled at the foot of their opposing twin beds. Madeline's in the right corner. Jolie assessed their space, nodding in approval.

Jolie moved to her side of the room, setting to play some music on a small gramophone that sat on her nightstand. Madeline smiled as she heard the opening notes of a Radiohead song begin to play.

As the girls listened, beginning to unpack their things, Madeline ran her palm over the pressed leather of her initials on her trunk. A week ago, it was simply a spare trunk that stayed in storage from her fathers apparent travels. The trunk had intricate, flowing designs engraved along the metal trimmings. It seemed a little feminine for her father's tastes, but Madeline didn't mind one bit.

She was glad he had it.

Because, now, it was hers.

Many things were hers now. Her own trunk, wand, robes. She still couldn't believe it. Something to keep all to herself.

Madeline sighed happily as she plopped on the end of her bed. Jolie began unpacking her own trunk, then Madeline's.

The witch pulled tops, trousers, skirts, even the, admittedly, excessive amount of shoes Madeline packed and laid them accordingly to match.

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