Meeting Clara

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"Spoken dialogue"




Internal thoughts/talking to Ciel

[[Ciel talking]]

{{Thought Communication}}

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Rimuru POV

The three of us are walking down the hallway, heading to go pick up our schoolbooks. As we get closer, I come to the (unfortunate) realization that all of those horrible noises I've been hearing are coming from our destination. As we approach a large pile of boxes in the hallway, I sense that a person-sized 'something' is barreling towards us. Azz noticed too so he stops and puts his arms in front of Iruma and me.

"Stop, Masters."

"What's wrong, Azz?" Iruma asks.

Azz doesn't even have time to answer before a green 'ball' comes crashing through the wall, smashing into the boxes. That 'ball' turns out to be a student, a girl with green eyes and hair, pointy teeth, and two ram-like horns.

[[Master, get away from that girl! There is something very wrong with her!]]

Ciel!? What do you mean!?

[[I-I can't predict her actions! Not at all! This has n-never happened before!]]

Calm down! Is this really that big of a deal?

[[You don't understand Master! She defies all logic, all probability, all common sense! Such a creature shouldn't exist! We need to destroy this monstrosity!]]

Get ahold of yourself, Ciel! We can't go around 'destroying' other students! I can tell that she isn't very powerful or hostile, so we don't need to predict her actions.


Do you think with enough observation you might be able to make predictions about her?

[[It may be possible...]]

Think of it as a learning opportunity and focus on that instead of freaking out! That doesn't do either of us any good, you know!

[[Yes, sorry Master. I will do that.]]

Since developing human emotions, Ciel still hasn't gotten them completely under control. She, unfortunately, panics occasionally like this. She's extremely intelligent, but when something in her plan goes wrong, which is rare, she tends to freak out.

"STRIKE! AHAHAHAHAHA!" the strange green-haired girl yells, clearly happy with her 'achievement' of destroying the wall and stack of boxes.

"A-are you ok?" Iruma asks. He is concerned because in his eyes if a person is propelled with enough force to smash through a wall and keep going, they must have been hurt in the process. Although, this time she seems completely unharmed.

"Don't talk to her, Master Iruma! She is infamous for being a weirdo! You can't talk to her, or she might get attached to you and cause trouble!" Azz whispers to Iruma.

"Hi, I'm Clara! My right foot's named Connor and my left foot's named Murph!" She says pointing at her feet. She is wearing weird green slippers with eyes and mouths.

Did I just see one of those shoes blink? I'm not just seeing things, right Ciel?

[[You are not seeing things, Master, this freak-of-nature's shoes seem to be either alive or possessed, I am not sure which. Analysis has revealed nothing conclusive.]]

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