Wrapping the Party Up

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"Spoken dialogue"




Internal thoughts/talking to Ciel

[[Ciel talking]]

{{Thought Communication}}

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Rimuru POV

We enter the auditorium for the announcement of the top three battlers this year. Along the way, we run into Sabnock. He seems to be a bit bruised from our match earlier, but otherwise, he's uninjured. I know that the demons that run the infirmary can use some kind of healing magic so they must've used it on him. The fact he's not fully healed, though, likely means Sabnock didn't stick around to be fully treated. Sounds like something he'd do.

I'm not exactly hopeful that we'll win anything today, considering the leader of our battler just tried to kill everyone, but the fireworks ended up being a fan favorite of the other students so not all hope is lost. Also, it seems like most of the students never realized the danger they were in, but know that Iruma and I, along with Azz and Clara, are responsible for the spectacle that everyone enjoyed. When it comes to the truth of the matter (as far as I know); the school's main staff knows, the student council knows, and the police know. Azz and Clara haven't even been fully briefed on the situation, believing that something simply went wrong with the fireworks and that Kiriwo panicked because of that, causing him to lose control of his magic and create all those barriers. I'll leave it up to Iruma to tell them the truth if he wants to. They befriended that jerk too, so I'm sure it'll be painful for them to learn what he was truly capable of.

The large room is buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the reveal of the winners, many students debating amongst themselves who could've possibly won. Azz seems a little too convinced that we've won the grand prize and Clara is eating up his words of grandeur and agreeing with him. Iruma seems less convinced, but still hopeful. I, on the other hand, don't really care about all this hullabaloo. If we do win, I'm sure Iruma would be thrilled, which will in turn make me happy, but if that doesn't happen, I'm fine with that too. I'm not gonna get bent out of shape over something so insignificant.

"Now, to announce the winners of this year's awards. Our official presenter...our beloved Student Council President...Ameri Azazel!" the announcer grabs everyone's attention before gesturing in Ameri's direction.

Ameri strolls confidently onto the stage, wearing something fancier than usual. She has a red cape, black elbow height gloves, black feather earrings, and something resembling her usual getup, but with a different color scheme. It looks nice on her, I have to admit.

"Iruma! Your girlfriend's lookin' pretty slick today, don't you think?" I ask playfully as I nudge him with my elbow.

"I told you to stop calling her that, Rimuru!" Iruma complains.

"Sorry, but she does look good in that outfit, right?"

"She does, but don't go saying stuff like that! It's embarrassing..." he whines even more.

I laugh off Iruma's embarrassment. The boy's undeniably attracted to her, based on the look he got in his eyes as soon as he noticed her a moment ago. Can't hide stuff like that from me, kid!


Don't get bent out of shape, Ciel! I can't help but acknowledge when a girl looks good in something. It doesn't mean I'm attracted to her! Plus, I'm trying to get her to date Iruma, so don't take me complimenting her clothes as anything more than that.

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