Work & Play

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Hey Readers! 

Yeah, this chapter is super late, but it couldn't be helped. I still feel bad about it, though, so sorry. Expect the next chapter to come out 2 weeks after this Saturday, which is a week later than you'd probably expect, but this chapter was finished so late that I want to give myself enough time to write the next. I don't have a backlog of writing with this story (unlike with Predator, my collab fanfic).

I'm an adult with a full-time job and sometimes I just don't have the time and energy to write when needed, and forcing myself to be "creative" when tired is nearly impossible for me. This is what happened when writing this chapter, unfortunately.

Oh, and I have one more thing I need to tell you all. Many of you seem eager for me to cover Season 3 content (Harvest Festival!) from the Iruma-kun anime. I will get to that in due time, but there are some more things I want to cover (specifically in Tempest) before I get to that. I will be covering it, but it'll probably be a few more chapters before I do, so please bear with me for now.

Thanks for your patience, everyone, and I hope you enjoy this overdue chapter.

Rimuru POV

A week or so has passed since Iruma's date with Ameri. I've been pretty busy since the number of meetings I have with foreign dignitaries and such increased recently for whatever reason, which filled up my schedule.

This, unfortunately, meant I didn't have much time for Iruma right now, but as far as I know, he's been fine while staying here even without my attention. Trust me, I'd rather be spending time with Iruma than dealing with snobby nobles from other countries, but when I have to do my job, I have to do my job; it's as simple as that.

Iruma would pop into my office now and then, but only briefly. With how packed my schedule has been, I couldn't let him stick around for too long. It's one thing to have him hanging out when a close subordinate is meeting with me, but when it's someone I don't know very well, I have to keep up appearances, and having Iruma in the room would be problematic.

I didn't fully ignore the kid, though. We shared some meals and I let him talk about what he's been doing around Tempest or whatever else is on his mind at the moment. To help, I did run him, Sullivan, and Opera to the Netherworld for a day so that Iruma could hang out with Azz and Clara. He's been missing them and it wasn't any trouble for me to play interdimensional taxi, even with how busy I've been.

I didn't go with them though, because again, I've been too busy. I just made the gate and sent them on their way before doing the same to bring them back.

Azz and Clara apparently asked where I was, but Iruma made excuses for me, which I'm grateful for. According to Iruma, they seemed disappointed that I wasn't there, but the three still had fun without me. Those two are much closer to that kid than me anyway, even though I know they both like me too.

"Well, have fun on your day off."

I just finished a short meeting with Benimaru, which is a routine thing for us. Starting my day off with something easy like this is always my preference.

"Thank you, Lord Rimuru." he smiles at me.

He's also a busy guy, but today, he doesn't have anything to do after this meeting.

"To be honest, I'm not quite sure what to do with my time today...Albis is visiting Eurazania this week and Momiji is spending time with Hakurou today, so I'll be coming home to an empty house."

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