The Student Council

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"Spoken dialogue"




Internal thoughts/talking to Ciel

[[Ciel talking]]

{{Thought Communication}}

I also have a discord server for discussion, questions, suggestions, or whatever.

Rimuru POV

I find Iruma waiting for me at the gate to the school with Azz and Clara. I half-expected them to head home without me since my meeting with the Student Council took longer than I expected.

"Hey! Sorry I kept you waiting!" I call out to them.

"It's fine. What's that?" Iruma asks.

He points at the uniform I'm holding in my arms.

" that a Student Council uniform?!" Azz asks with an amazed look on his face.

"You've got it, Azz! I joined the Student Council!"

Iruma looks utterly confused since I think he's picked up on the fact that Ameri doesn't like me much.

"That's amazing Rimuru! What an honor...very few students can say that they are a part of such a prestigious group." Azz continues.

"Riri's so cool!" Clara says.

I just laugh awkwardly at their compliments, not sure how to respond.

"Rimuru...why? Why did you join?" Iruma asks, still confused.

"Well...let's just say I was repaying a debt to their president and leave it at that..."


"Yeah...Hey, don't give me that worried look!" I say, noticing how anxious Iruma is about this.

"But, won't you be too busy to spend time with me? The Student Council is very intense, you've said that yourself!" he says, sounding almost scared.

By 'spend time with me' he really means 'have time to protect me', but that isn't a concern. I can always keep an eye on him from a distance and now that I'm gonna teach him 'thought communication' there's even less reason to worry.

"Everything will be perfectly fine! I've made special arrangements to make sure of that." I reassure the boy.

After a few minutes of walking as a group, we arrive at Sullivan's mansion and split from Azz and Clara.

"So, wanna do that training I mentioned this morning?" I ask Iruma.

"Can you tell me what kind now?"

"You know how I can use a type of telepathy?"


"That's what I'm gonna teach to you! You'll be able to contact me at any time with it, so you don't have to be so scared if I'm physically not near you."

Iruma's eyes light up with excitement. I'm not surprised, since he's always so nervous, having a built-in SOS he can use anytime, anywhere should be a reassuring thing for him.

"That's great!" Iruma exclaims, his voice full of excitement.

"Alright, so this is gonna work a bit different from the other skills. You kinda activate it with intent, if that makes sense." I say, trying my best to explain the somewhat abstract concept.

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