Problems With Children

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Iruma POV

"Wooow! So you can see anywhere with this thing?" I ask, amazed.

"Pretty much. Although, there are a few places that are off-limits." Benimaru shrugs.


Benimaru has shown me this thing called Argos, which is a device that Rimuru made a while back and now we're playing around with it a bit. There's a lot to see, considering its range is worldwide, and Benimaru has shown me a few particularly scenic spots he's found over the years.

"Lord Benimaru, I hate to interrupt, but I need to consult you about something." someone enters the room and pokes their head inside.

"On what? I am not working right now, but I suppose I can help you briefly." Benimaru addresses the person who entered the 'Control Room' before turning back toward me, "You will be fine on your own for a few minutes, right?"

"I think so."

Benimaru nods, "Just don't touch that button." he points at a large, red, obvious-looking button in the center of the console.

"Oh, why?" I ask out of curiosity.

"You might kill someone if you do," he bluntly answers with no concern in his voice whatsoever.

"Wait, what?" My eyes widen in shock.

But Benimaru has already turned his attention away from me and was deep into his conversation with the person I assume is his subordinate and soon leaves the room with them.

I eye the large, red, suspicious button warily, wondering what it does that could possibly kill someone if pushed.

I thought this was just something you could monitor people and places with, not a weapon!

Ignoring it is probably the best choice, so I go back to sweeping the view around and flickering the display between different 'cameras', taking a peek at all kinds of places. Cities, wide open plains, vast oceans, even this really icy-looking place.

Couldn't I look at what's going on with that war thing? It's been on my mind a lot lately, and I wanna see how those poor people are doing.

I direct the device to the place I think it's happening, but...

I don't think I should be looking at this...

It was sad. That's all that needs to be said.

I think I should look at something more cheerful.

I return the view to that icy place that I was looking at before and start sweeping it around, looking for something interesting.

Suddenly, the display gets covered with a big message that said something I can't read after I tried moving it to get a better look at this super cool ice castle thing I found in the middle of the snowy place.

I push a few buttons and it disappears, returning back to how it looked before.

The display then fills with nothing but a blue eye that looks kinda familiar before a shrill noise rings out and the whole thing goes dead.

"Oh no, I broke it!" I cry out, realizing I made a mistake.

I try pushing the same button that Benimaru had used to turn it on when we first got here, but it did nothing. The same goes for all the others I frantically push (minus the scary 'might kill someone' one).

Then, I hear the door open and Benimaru rushes in.

"What happened?" He asks me in an intentionally calm tone.

Rimuru and Iruma's Adventures in the NetherworldWhere stories live. Discover now