The Performance

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"Spoken dialogue"




Internal thoughts/talking to Ciel

[[Ciel talking]]

{{Thought Communication}}

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Iruma POV

Rimuru takes one of the three microphones off the stands in the center of the stage and addresses the rowdy audience of demons. All of them are showing a mix of confusion, anger, and excitement, not sure what to expect from our sudden intrusion onto Kuromu's stage.

"Hello, Kuromu fans! I'm Mika and this is my big sis Irumi! We're friends of Kuromu's and hope to give you a good show tonight! We'll be giving you something a bit different from singing since we don't wanna steal Kuromu's thunder later. I know you guys weren't expecting this, but I hope you still have fun!" Rimuru cheerfully greets the crowd with ease as if she does this kind of thing every day. She struck a little pose at the end of her speech, causing many of the audience members to yell out about how 'cute' she is.

After her introduction, Rimuru glances over her shoulder. She doesn't say anything, but I get the meaning of the gesture nonetheless. Rimuru's telling me it's my turn to grab a mic and introduce myself to the crowd. I sheepishly shuffle forward and grab one of the other mics from its stand. I don't have a mirror right now, but I'm sure my face is bright red with embarrassment.

"Um...I'm I-irumi...w-welcome to the Makubari hope you enjoy our p-performance...!" I manage to sputter out a few words but my voice eventually gives up and I can't seem to squeak out another word. This probably is partially due to the falsetto voice I was putting on, trying to mimic a girl's, but I'm sure my nerves played a big part in it.

Now that I've said my piece, the crowd is buzzing with a mix of compliments for both Rimuru and myself, with a few complaints intertwined. Some of the more 'hardcore' Kuromu fans are not happy that we're on the stage right now in her place, and they are voicing their opinions; loudly. I try to ignore them the best I can; I can't let these people get under my skin when I'm already struggling up here.

"Hehe, as you can see, my big sis here is a little shy, so go easy on her!" Rimuru says with a cutesy, playful giggle. Knowing who and what she is, it's a little unsettling how well Rimuru can play this adorable, innocent little girl character.

It makes me question how much she's acting around me all the time. How much of that is the real Rimuru?... No, don't think about that right now Iruma! You have bigger problems to deal with right now, like that massive, intimidating, terrifying, demonic crowd staring at you right now! Yeah, that's much more important!

Doubts about my friend once again force their way to the front of my mind, but I quickly shove them out and re-focus my attention on the situation I'm currently in.

"Now that we've told you who we are, why don't we start this concert off with a bang!" Rimuru yells to the crowd enthusiastically, raising her arms above her head and out towards the audience.

This is part of what we discussed and is actually my idea...kinda. I suggested we do something flashy, just like at the battler party. Even with Kiriwo's meddling, the fireworks were still very pretty and pleasing to all of Babyls.

Much to my surprise, when I mentioned this, Rimuru said they can make something similar to fireworks. She created them on the spot, no prep time was needed, and no materials were necessary since they're purely sourced from her magic.

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