Exploring the Monster Country

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"Spoken dialogue"




Internal thoughts/talking to Ciel

[[Ciel talking]]

{{Thought Communication}}

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Iruma POV

After a little more walking, Shion ends up leaving us to work on that cake Rimuru promised to eat later. Curious about her strange attitude toward it, I ask.

"Hey, why don't you want to eat Shion's cake?"

"You'll know why when you see it, Iruma," Rimuru says, giving me a defeated look.

Rimuru didn't really answer my question so I'll just have to be patient I guess.

While we make our way to find something to eat, I can't help but notice the sheer variety of races here. The demons in the Netherworld vary in appearance quite a bit, but the differences here are even larger.

"So, can you tell me what all these types of monsters are called? I'm curious, but I don't want to have to ask everyone you introduce me to. It was way too awkward asking earlier..."

"Well, the human-like ones with greenish skin are hobgoblins; the ones that look like lizard or dragon-people are lizardmen and dragonnewts, which are part of the same evolutionary line; the ones that look like a mix between a pig and a human are high-orcs. You already know about oni, but there are also ogres and kijin, which are similar since they're closely related. All three of those have horns growing from their foreheads, but the ogres look a little less human-like. There are many other types of monsters here too, but those are the main ones at least. It would take me forever to list all of them so I'm not gonna bore you with that."

"Wow, that's a lot! How did you bring so many types of people together like this? I'm guessing that it wasn't always like this."

"Oof, that's gonna take a while to explain, so why don't we talk about that stuff over our food? There's a nice café up ahead we can eat at."

I nod enthusiastically since my stomach has been growling for a while now. Knowing how much Rimuru likes to eat, just like me, I bet the food here is amazing!

It doesn't take long for us to get there, and from what I can tell from outside, it looks like a very nice place. We pass through its front door with Rimuru leading the way and I notice that the place is packed with people. Not a single table is free. I'm disappointed since this means we need to wait or go somewhere else now. But, to my surprise, Rimuru confidently walks over to one of the tables that happens to have a couple of free seats, only being occupied by a single woman, and sits down.

Isn't that rude? What does she think she's doing?!

"Uhhh...Rimuru?" I ask, still standing near the entrance.

Rimuru ignores me though, thoroughly focused on the woman. I can tell from here that she's clearly Japanese, based on her features. She's quite pretty too if you ignore the unsettling coldness in her eyes.

"Fancy seeing you here, Hinata," Rimuru says to her, wearing a large mischievous grin.

The woman sighs as she sets down the cup she was sipping from then looks at Rimuru.

"Go away." The woman named Hinata says coldly.

"C'mon Hinata! I'm just saying hi! Why do you have to be like that?"

Rimuru and Iruma's Adventures in the NetherworldWhere stories live. Discover now