Potential Problems

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"Spoken dialogue"




Internal thoughts/talking to Ciel

[[Ciel talking]]

{{Thought Communication}}

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Rimuru POV

What the hell could Guy possibly want?!

As soon as I heard his voice, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. The only time he contacts me is when he wants something. It's never anything good either, usually some problem he wants to dump on my lap. I have a hard time saying no to him too since Guy is scarily powerful and manipulative. I think I could take him in a fight at this point, but that's the last thing I want to be honest. I don't even want to imagine the type of damage that would happen if we both got serious facing each other.

{{Yes, Guy, I'm here. Do you need anything?}}

{{I just wanted to let you know we will be having a Walpurgis meeting in one week. Be there.}}

{{Do you have a specific reason? You don't usually initiate them yourself like this.}}

{{Well, let's just say I have a thorn in my side that I can't dispose of due to that rule you implemented. I thought it'd be best to have you deal with it.}}

{{I assume you mean a new Demon Lord candidate has appeared?}}

{{Yes, he's quite the character too. I'm sure you two will get along ~wonderfully~ based on how ridiculous you both are.}}

{{Fine...I'll be there....}}

I don't exactly like being called ridiculous, but from Guy's perspective, being someone in charge of maintaining balance in this world, I can see why he'd call me that. I have a bad habit of breaking the rules of reality, or at least Ciel does, and she's part of me, which makes it my responsibility. (People call me the 'Chaos Creator' for a reason)

By the rule I implemented, I'm sure Guy means the rule stating that you must let people that call themselves a Demon Lord to have a chance to state their case to the others at a Walpurgis meeting without first being killed. They have to have 'Demon Lord Seed' status at least first before this rule applies, though. I came up with it to avoid purging of decent potential Demon Lords before they can even try to convince the others of their worth. I mean, back in the day, if Clayman was better liked by the others, it's possible they could've teamed up and killed me without a second guess. The reality of his plots and lies would've never come to light, so I think it's best to at least let them talk to us before being killed.

Before I came along, the rules of acceptance were vague at best, so I helped redefine them. Majority vote (at least 4 of the 7 must agree to accept them) or challenging and defeating one of the seated Demon Lords and taking their place, that's the two options for becoming one of us. Any 'challenging' must be done alone and in front of all the Demon Lords, though, so there's no possibility of cheating. This also makes it so people are less likely to attack us out of nowhere, which can be annoying. It doesn't completely stop that problem, but it definitely helps.

I'm glad that Guy, being the de facto leader of the Heptagram, accepted these changes I made, but it seems they're biting me in the ass right now. By his tone, I can tell that the 'candidate' isn't fun to deal with. He sounded annoyed, to say the least, so I don't think the meeting is gonna be very pleasant. It sucks I've got another meeting I need to go to now, but at least I have some advanced notice. I'm sure it won't be a problem for me to pay a second visit here, even if I have to deal with a new potential Demon Lord.

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