Chapter 4.2

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 I forced myself to catch up to them, emerging from the trees to the shore of a large lake. How did I miss this from the highway?? Then again it was hard to see past the trees while we were walking. The water laid out before us in the evening sunlight, blue grey, serene. I dropped my bag on the shore, one desire pushing all my thoughts aside.

            "I'm going for a swim." I stated, finding the soap in my Poppins purse. At last, a chance to clean up. I pulled my stained shirt over my head, wiggling out of my pants, the machetes falling off with a clink. I kept my gloves on, but took off my shoes, the exposed bones of my toes not as noticeable as the missing skin on my fingers. I had the foresight to wear underwear and bra, the boobs weren't that impressive but I was doubly glad for the extra layer when I turned to see a slack jaw Fred, his eyes riveted on my body. Wolf Girl peered curiously at me, frowning.

            "Like what you see?" I snapped, jolting him to shut his mouth.

            "Uh sorry," He tried to avert his gaze, but it kept sliding back. "You're much more intact than I would've thought."

I glanced at myself, glaring at the fist sized hole on my rib cage. "Yeah, not intact enough. Should I tie a bandage around this or something?" Fred set Wolf Girl on the ground, bringing his magical back pack around to produce an ace bandage. My brows shot up at that. "Were you a boy scout?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. It just felt right to pack stuff like this." He unrolled it, approaching me. "Do you mind?"

I sighed, lifting my arms so he could wrap the cloth around my gaping ribs. The bandage went around snugly. Fred finished by cupping my breasts.

"I couldn't help it, they're so perky!" Fred cried under the hail of blows.

"Jerk!" I yelled at him. I turned to the Muppets. "Fat lot of good you are!" Bert and Ernie didn't come to my defense, watching the whole thing, their moldering heads tilted to the side. I stormed the beach in a huff, right into the water until it was waist high. If it was cold or warm I couldn't tell, but my inability to gauge the temperature didn't bother me as I unwrapped a bar of soap and proceeded to scrub down.

I was covered in suds when I heard Fred's hysterical laughter from the shore. Ready to snap at him again I looked up to see Wolf Girl standing nearby, shivering, water up to her chest. I didn't hear her come in at all, but she reached for me, looking piteous. The Muppets had followed her in. I sincerely hoped there weren't fish nearby; the thought of picking minnows out of the Muppets was a shudder worthy task.

"They just plowed in after you." Fred smirked at me from the safety of the shore. Jerk. I sighed, ducking under the water to rinse the suds from me. Making my way to Wolf Girl, I had no sooner reached her when she jumped me, wrapping her grimy arms around me. I inhaled for patience. Her smell filled my nostrils.

"Nope, not doing this, you grab me, I clean you." I wrapped my arms around her, ducking us both into the water. Wolf Girl squealed, her grip vise like. She didn't have the sense to shut her mouth when I submerged us, coughing and sputtering when we broke the surface. She tensed further when I started lathering her up, scooping up a handful of sand so I could scrape the coat of dirt away. It was a surprise she let me, I was sure she would have kicked me half way across the lake by now. Instead she clung to me, shivering in silence as I gave her the first bath she'd had in years. When I reached her hair, her grip began to relax. My gloved fingers massaged through mass of snarls in her hair. I swear she began to purr.

I couldn't bring myself to give her a full a body scrub, but did my best. She would certainly smell better after this. I leaned her back into the water instead of ducking her under again, rinsing the soap out of her hair. It was lighter than I expected, Wolf Girl might be another blond. Bert and Ernie didn't come into the water past their thighs, fidgeting the whole time, but it gave Fred the opportunity to build a fire on the shore. The sun had set as I finished our impromptu bath, the firelight throwing long shadows across the water . Wolf Girl's teeth chattered in my ear. She hadn't let go once, including when I tried to wash myself again. I looked for Fred, hoping I could pass her off so I could get clean again. He stood on the shore, hands in his pockets, watching us.

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