Chapter 8.2

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I don't know what I expected, I knew it would have big eyes from the shape of the mask but the sight of those luminous orbs, completely sky blue except for the odd shaped pupils, similar to a frogs, was as surprising as the rest of its features. There was no discernable nose, just two slits for nostrils while its mouth was small, filled with tiny rounded teeth. I don't know what these creatures ate but I doubted it was meat. After such a vicious battle with them, their appearance was off kilter with their fighting style. It didn't look cuddly by any stretch of the imagination, but chained up, uncovered, gasping for air, it looked helpless. J.D.'s bullet left a grisly hole in its cheek. 

            "Fred, put the mask back on, it's suffocating." I said, my voice softer than I anticipated. Did I feel sorry for the murderous alien? Fred wore the same uncomfortable look on his face, wedging the mask back in place. The alien wasted no time erasing our reservations.

            "Do you think to pity me, you vile beasts? The Catrawa readies to lay waste to this pit." The beast comment was insulting enough but I caught the shuffle of his legs at the mention of the Catrawa, as if saying the word made him uneasy. What or who was a Catrawa and why didn't our newly hardwired brains translate this one word?

            "What's a Catrawa?" J.D. rumbled from the window, keeping his eyes on the outside.

            More shuffling, the alien hesitated to answer. "The Catrawa will destroy you, we will find the cipher to this plague of monsters and wipe the world clean for our taking."

            "Do you know what happened here before you arrived?" I asked, crossing my arms, wondering how much information the alien would give without torture. "Did you know we would be here when you landed?" The alien swung to me, I could sense those strange eyes searching my face. For what? It started to emit more hacking coughs, no, not coughs. The alien laughed at us.

            "You mean you do not know how your world fell? What piteous creatures you are." It continued that awful grating laughter. I wanted to strangle the asshole. Fred caught my eye, a deadly light in his gaze.

            "Can I bring the pain now?" 

            J.D. snorted, glancing over his shoulder. "You? Where did you learn torture?"

            "Video games." Fred answered with complete confidence.

            "You said this Catorama person or whatever is readying to lay waste, as in presently about to rain destruction?" I pressed, ignoring them, leaning closer.

            "The Catrawa is moments away from erasing this fallen city." The alien hissed, lunging at me so our faces were a bare inch apart. "I hope you have enjoyed your unnatural existence, beast, because it is at an end."

            I shoved him back, heaving to my feet. "We need to get out of here!"

            "No torture?"


            "Alright, alright, women and children to the life rafts, let's roll on out." Fred grabbed a few items from his torture equipment to shove in his battered back pack, as J.D. wrapped an arm around Wolf Girl's waist, throwing the duffel bag o' guns over one shoulder to haul everything outside. I started after them but paused, turning back to the alien. Leave him to rot, my brain screamed, but there was another emotion too. The bastards tried to kill us, but we ate them first didn't we. Before I had a concrete decision in my head, I knelt at the knot of chains, working the alien free. It tensed as I yanked its bonds away.

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