Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It was pressure that brought me back, pressure, warmth, softness. Lips caressed mine, chasing away the fog of screaming, banishing its echoes. A few blinks brought the world into sharp, searing focus. The face before me was bruised, bloodied, and probably, no definitely, the last pair of lips I wanted laying one on me. I emitted a muffled a scream, my hands scrambling to put distance between our torsos.

Princess drew back with the pop of broken suction. I held her at arms length, staring into her smug expression.

"What the actual f-"

"You're lips are incredibly soft. Anyone ever tell you that?" She grinned, reaching up to wipe the blood away from under my nose. I made several noises, none of them coherent words, wondering which emotion I was going to articulate first.

"Why, just why?"

She shrugged. "You were bugging out. I need you coherent for now. Slapping wasn't working so I tried the next best shock to the system method. Plus, it was fun. Don't worry, you can succumb to your stupidity later."

"Stupid! What-" This time I interrupted myself, realizing I was still holding Princess firmly at arm's length and our little show was being watched by Kit. Not Kit through the hole in the wall, Kit two feet from us, wearing an expression that looked suspiciously like awe. "How?" I was still too angry, shocked, or astounded to form much more than monosyllabic sentences.

Kit cleared his throat, shifting his legs.

I glared at him. "You didn't."

He had the grace to look mortified. "I've been in the cabin for a month and that was weirdly hot. I'm sorry."

Princess stifled a bark of laughter, coming to his rescue. "I managed to jump off you despite your stroke out, and dragged him back over the wall. I think they have too much going on outside to bother coming to check on us at the moment." On cue, another impact rocked the ship. I had to keep hold of Princess just to stay on my feet.

"If you managed to get over the wall, why drag him back in here? Why didn't you get out?" I asked, releasing her to wipe my hands on my pants.

She rolled her eyes. "Sadly, the force field razor wire or whatever it is they have locking us in does go all the way up." She held up a hand, two finger tips sheared clean off. "I checked."

The bone was already starting to regenerate. "How many did you chew on to achieve that trick?" I murmured. In response, she grabbed my broken hand, crunching my fingers together.

"Huh, a couple more than you've had. What are you, vegan?"

I yanked my hand away. "Yeah, fuck you. I'm not going to go around killing aliens for a patch job."

"Not going to have much choice on that one, little lady, cause we are soon to have company," said Princess, as the wall vanished.

"Didn't say I was going to roll over and die either." I braced myself as the trio sauntered into view. Great, they all had their stun sticks of justice on hand. We were so boned.

Kit piped up, "Maybe I can block those rods."

"They'll just swat you aside fly boy," said Princess. "Stay out of the way and let the big kids play." She leaned toward me while the lieutenant went to fume on the opposite wall. "Protect the human."

"Sometimes you surprise me," I said, bracing myself as the trio halted before us.

"Tell me about it," she mumbled. Their leader, the same snickering jerk from earlier, did a complicated tracing in mid air, stepping forward to grab me.

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