Chapter 4
Fred and I spent most of the night arguing over which direction to travel. The breathing one slept through it all, even when Fred started yelling.
"No, no, no! We should avoid cities because that's where the zombies are!" His arms waved about, punctuating his words like a high school cheerleader. I gritted my teeth, hugging my biceps to keep from punching him.
"Have you not listened to a word I've said? I want to find more people like us. Besides what makes you such a damn expert on zombies?" I wondered if I could get a headache, it certainly seemed like the appropriate moment to groan and rub my temples. Fred tilted his head at an odd angle, staring at me with his freaky crystal eyes.
"Honestly, did you watch any of the movies, I mean ten to one, cities are a death trap."
I squinted at him. "You really are stupid, aren't you?"
"I take offense to that remark."
"Dude, we're already dead. The zombies won't bother us."
Fred sat back, bracing his hands on his knees. "Really?"
"Well, I don't think they'll attack us anyway." I clarified with a shrug. "How do you think I picked up the Muppets? They just followed me around and tried to cuddle."
"You mean they were like that before you did that gross blood thing? I kind of hoped we could make a pack of domesticated zombies." He gestured vaguely towards the woods where Bert and Ernie went bounding into a few hours ago. "We could travel around and take on other zombie packs in a battle royale."
"Were you this crazy in life?"
Fred turned pensive. "I hope not."
I sighed. "Look, Fred, we have no idea what we're doing, no plan, we don't know how this apocalypse kicked off. I'm not saying the city is the greatest idea, but we might find more like us there, or we might find more aliens. They can't all be hanging out in fields, right?"
He worried his lip, raising his eyes to the lightening sky. Oh, yes, we'd been arguing for a good while. "I can't believe you couldn't get more information off him before Wolf Girl murdered him."
"Yes, because 'no, stop wait' would totally halt the feral axe wielding child." As if responding to her nickname, the little girl rolled over with a yawn. Holy halitosis, how did she not keel over from her own stench? I can only imagine how off kilter my sense of smell must be, since I don't breathe, but Wolf Girl reeked something fierce. First opportunity I got, I was going to shove her into a lake and hope for the best.
"Think she'll follow us?" Fred nodded at her as she stretched, taking in her surroundings. She growled at the sight of Fred but seemed calm enough sitting next to me.
"Maybe?" I kept Wolf Girl out of the corner of my eye as I got to my feet, futilely dusting the dirt off my pants as Fred gathered our things. Somehow, the Muppets sensed we were leaving, crashing out of the woods covered in muck and leaves. They barreled straight for her, stopping to circle around her, like they were sizing each other up in full daylight. Fred watched them with a bewildered expression.
"They get weirder every time I look at them, Li. I thought aliens were the height of oddities I had to deal with."
I snorted. "You're a mutated zombie. This should be a drop in the bucket."

Zombies Vs Aliens: Respawn
Science FictionA comic apocalyptic sci-fi romp. The zombie apocalypse has come and gone, the world has ended, humanity has crumbled... Nobody told the aliens. Alien brains have some interesting side effects on the ravenous undead. Just ask zombie Li, who wakes u...