Chapter 12.1

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Chapter 12

How do you respond to being robbed by a punk princess zombie? With J.D. pinned down at an awkward angle under her heel, the rest of us gawked at her. Wolf Girl whimpered, pressing against my legs. My brain floundered, trying to cope with the situation. Where the hell had she come from? None of us heard her coming, seriously? What was she expecting from us? She was clearly in better straits than we were. Her nail polish wasn't even chipped.

"Um," I said, casting for something intelligent to say when Fred recovered his wits.

"The hell? What are you trying to pull, princess. You might have surprised us, but it's still three on one." Fred rose to a crouch, looking ready to launch at the strange woman, which I was all for provided she didn't shoot me in the face. Her eyes flashed on him for a moment before returning to me in clear dismissal.

"Who said I came alone?"

Fred had time for a brief look of confusion before a pair of pale of arms seized him around the waist. A soft gasp escaped his mouth, eyes wide in surprise before his body went backwards, flipped in a perfectly executed Suplex. I cringed at the sound of his head ramming into the muddy ground. He crumpled with a groan, lying face down. He was conscious, I think. I was a bit preoccupied by his assailant, effortlessly bending back up right. A feline smile played on her lips as she gave a relaxed stretch, lifting her already strained shirt high enough to see the underside of her breasts.

Her appearance was as shocking as the punk princess. Her heart shaped face was devoid of make up, not that it needed it. She glanced down at her belly shirt, wrinkling her pert nose at the smear of dirt Fred left on her front. Her long legs were bare except for a pair of short cut off jeans hanging off her round hips. Glossy red hair fell in a wave around her shoulders, copper highlights catching in the light. Her glorious locks and play boy worthy figure didn't hold a candle to her skin.

What the hell was she?

The woman gave up trying to brush the dirt off her shirt with a stamp of her bare foot. She looked up. Her eyes were tiger gold, adding to her surreal appearance. A frown creased her forehead.

"They're just kids," she said, in a voice as sultry as her appearance. She pursed her lips and planted her hands on her hips. "I don't feel right robbing kids."

Kids? Plural?

"Excuse me?" I snapped, attempting to stand with Wolf Girl pinning my legs. The red head squinted at me, her gaze appraising. She failed to notice Fred rising to his hands and knees behind her.

"Sorry sweetie," she grinned. A chill skittered down my back. I tensed which set off the feral child sitting on my feet.

Wolf Girl lunged. I thought for sure the punk princess would shoot her but J.D. reached up and wrenched her ankle, sending her flying. I made a frantic grab for our human, terrified the red head would rip her apart. My worry was for naught. Fred tackled her from behind; the two of them rolled off into the darkness. I wrapped an arm around Wolf Girl, shielding her with my body. I could feel her heart pounding against her ribs. The sounds of scuffle surrounded us until the gun went off, the sound ringing in my ears.

"Son of a- you shot me!" J.D. snarled in the dark.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's not like you were attacking me or anything."

A shrill scream sounded from another patch of darkness, though it wasn't exactly fearful. A brief silence followed as everyone puzzled it out.

"Ginger, are you okay?" The punk princess called out. Ginger?

"I'm-I-uh, I'm terribly sorry," Fred stammered.

"Just get off me!" Ginger hissed.

"Can we call a truce?"


"I'll agree to a truce. You guys have shit for loot anyway," the punk princess strolled into view, followed by a disgruntled J.D. clutching his right bicep. Princess slumped down on the log across from us, dropping her gun on the ground. She tilted back to look at the glowering J.D. "Don't stand around on my account, handsome. We're on neutral territory now."

"You're in my seat."

She blinked at him. "And?"

He grimaced, sitting on the edge of the log as far from her as he could get. I sank back down, dragging Wolf Girl with me to keep her from ruining the cease fire. Ginger and Fred emerged from the dark a few moments later. The fuming red head wore Fred's grimy sweatshirt, hugging her chest. She stormed over to the circle, planting herself between the punk and J.D. with a huff. Fred stumbled to his seat next to us, absently fingering the ragged hole in his shirt. Princess took one look at the expression on her companion's face and let out a bark of laughter.

"Oh my god, did he feel your tits?"

Fred scuffed his feet against the log, his expression dazed. "So soft," he whispered.

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