Chapter 12.2

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Princess clasped her hands over one knee, jogging her foot up and down as she stared us down with those gun metal eyes.

"So," she said, examining her nails, "how y'all doing this evening?"

"Really," I sneered, "you couldn't introduce yourself with that line?"

She blinked at me, looking truly puzzled. "But, that would be boring."

This was going so well.

"How about we start with introductions?" I pointed to the other pissed off occupant of their log. "The one you shot is J.D., Mr. Grabby Hands over here is Fred. I'm Li and this is Wolf Girl." Princess gave the lone human of our group a side glance, a brief one but she definitely looked. Her expression didn't change beyond a raised eyebrow at Ginger.

"How quaint. You already know my fiery friend over here. What brings a rag tag group such as yourselves to the great state of New York?"

"Hold up," J.D. glared at her. "Who are you?

"Moi?" she splayed a hand on her chest. "Would you believe...Zelda?"

Silence. Each of us wore an expression of varying degrees of incredulity. Ginger put her face in her hands with a groan.

"No? How about Peach or maybe Samus?"

Fred made a face. "From Metroid Prime?"

"Ha! We have a winner!"

"Liv!" Ginger snapped, "time and place."

Princess pouted. "You're no fun when you're groped, Ms. Cranky Pants."

There it was, the limit of my weird shit o'meter hit critical.

"Who the hell are you two?" I pointed at the practically glowing Ginger, "and what is her deal?"

Princess clicked her tongue against her teeth, narrowing her eyes at me. "We're just a couple of strays, looking for a good time." She jerked her head at her companion. "For Gingy here, I don't know, maybe perverts aren't her thing, though he seems dopey enough for her standards."

"I'm not a pervert!" Fred threw up his hands. His head snapped around to me. "Bite your tongue," he hissed. Despite everything, a smirk stole over my lips. J.D. cleared his throat.

"We are attempting to locate any remaining human settlements." His deep rumble was punctuated by Princess's snort of laughter.

"Good luck with that useless little quest, big guy."

"Are you unaware of what's happening?" J.D.'s voice dropped an octave. Wolf Girl growled.

"You mean the end of the world or the alien invasion?" Princess frowned at her hand. "Huh, I think I chipped a nail."

J.D. tensed, probably about ten seconds from exploding at her when the Muppets toppled over each other from the woods.

"What the fuck!" Ginger yelped, perching up on the log like a startled cat. The second she drew up her legs, there was a flash of black lace. Fred made a "pah" sound beside me.

"Relax, they're with us," I said. Neither of them appeared thrilled by the additional company. I sighed, releasing Wolf Girl. "Look, it's been long few days. I think I would be exhausted if I needed sleep. Can we cut the bullshit for like five minutes?"

Princess studied the Muppets while I talked, leaning forward when Wolf Girl snuggled up next to the duo.

"What did you do to them?" She whispered, lifting a hand toward them. Wolf Girl snapped her teeth at her, nearly catching those black painted nails. The woman didn't even look startled, merely curious, murmuring to herself when Ginger elbowed her with a pointed look.

"What? Oh, wait, you don't sleep? Like at all?"

"Her name is Olivia," Ginger blurted out, crossing her arms under her sizeable breasts.

Even sounded like a princess. She turned to the red head with a 'what gives' expression. Olivia, shit I hoped that wasn't my real name.

Fred rubbed his chin. "You remember that much? Man, you must have had a buffet when you came to," he said, keeping a speculative eye on Ginger. She shifted uncomfortably, not looking at any of us. Princess folded her hands in her lap.

"Well, we have been active for a good month, so we've had a bit of time to adjust." She spoke so casually it took her a moment to catch onto our stunned expressions. Ginger continued to look mildly embarrassed.

"I guess that means it's permanent," Fred muttered.

"A month? You've been running around like this for a month and you haven't seen any humans?" J.D. peered at her hard as he spoke.

Princess shrugged. "I didn't say that; I said it was a waste of time. Any humans we ran into were feral like your friend over there, or bust a nut crazy. Not really helpful to your cause, whatever the hell that is."

The news sank in, shredding our guiding intentions like used Kleenex. Had a decade reduced a six billion strong global population to scraps? This couldn't be it.

"That can't be all," J.D. echoed my thoughts. "The military had plans in place, safe zones erected."

"What about the rest of the world, they must have had some kind of doomsday failsafe?" I gestured around us. "This is one town, in one state, in one country. It can't all look like this."

Princess's eyes caught mine, the silvery grey glowing in the weak firelight. "We traveled all the way up the coast. Some places are worse."

"And you saw no hint of recent human activity?" Fred asked, his tone inscrutable.

"Nope, nada, try to remember it's the end of the world here, darlings." Olivia jerked her head at the Muppets. "Now, how did those two happen?"

"What about the aliens?" I asked, ignoring her interest in my happy little accidents. "You said you've been active a month. You must have seen them around. Do you know anything about them?"

"Uh I know we avoid them. They tend to frown on us dead people with their splody splody ray guns."

Fred snorted. "Your powers of observation are quite astute there."

Princess batted her lashes at him. They had to be fake. "Well, our quick fix condition came with some awkward baggage. I, for one, avoid uncomfortable social interactions. So no, I didn't confront any of them hoping their plans for global domination would slip out." She pursed her lips. "Not like they would meet all that much resistance."

"Any idea what they're here for?" J.D. pressed, hopelessness etched on his dark face.

Princess groaned "Oh, for fuck's sake, why don't you go scout them out yourself," she said, flapping her hand over her shoulder. "There's a landed ship a few miles down the road. Go ahead, spy on 'em. What could possibly go wrong?"

***Yeah, nothing is wrong with this idea whatsoever :P What do you think of Princess and Ginger? Don't forget to vote!***

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