Welcome to The Avengers

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Author POV

Monday Morning

Peter is currently packing his bagpack with some of his Spiderman gear, his webbing, webshooters and his Spiderman suit, even though he said he was gonna get a new suit to be an Avenger, but he still wanted this suit, it means alot, it's his first suit.

He closes his bag and puts it on and walks out of his room, and grabs some more important things, "ok May, it's about time, I promise to visit on Friday for dinner and tell you about what I can say", "oh honey, this is a great opportunity for you as Spiderman, and don't worry, I'll be fine by myself, this means I don't have to worry about you when I work late", says May who fixes Peter hair, "cmon May, my hair looks fine", "I knownits just a force of habit hunny", says May, who gives Peter a big hug, and he returns that big hug, "I'm gonna miss you these next few days May", "I know but you'll be fine, growing up means you gotta go out on your own", she says, "now go before your late".

Peter let's go of May and walks out, but stops and turns around, "I Larb You", "I Larb You Too", they say, then Peter closes the door and walks to the elevator, but before he presses the buttons, Tony is revealed on the other side, "perfect, I was gonna come get you", "yeah, I saw you park, and was just saying bye to May", Tony smiles, "dont worry kid, she'll be fine, and so will you, and you can visit her when you wanna visit her, you don't have to stay at the Compound all the time", says Tony, as he and Peter take the elevator down to the bottom floor.

They get into the car as fast as possible and leave, and Peter texts his best friend Ned, "heading over to the Avengers Compound, do fn' excited bro", then gets a reply a minute later, "tell about it tonight bro, and I'm so jealous", Peter chuckles ,"what's up kid?", "nothing just messing around with a friend", he says putting his phone away, "does he know your Spiderman?", "no, only us 3 so far, and soon the Avengers will as well".

Tony looks at Peter, "dont worry, your secret is safe with us, I understand why you have the mask, but soon people are going to question why 15 year old kid is with the Avengers", "well cross that bridge when it happens", says Peter, as he looks into his bag and grabs his webshooters, "I can't believe a 15 year old kid made those with what was limited to him in his own room", "yeah, well I kinda used the lab at my school as well, but that was when I had a chance", says Peter, "very impressive, and before I forget, you can use my lab to create new things and your webbing, which by the way, very awesome", "thanks Mr. Stark", "please, call me Tony".

25 minutes later

Tony and Peter pull up to the Compound and Peter is shocked. This place is huge, a whole lot bigger than what he imagined it to be, "wow", Peter says, which makes Tony smile, "oh yeah. This place is huge, you're gonna like this kid, it has everything, which Steve and Natasha will tell you about", he says as they park.

Peter smiles and why wouldn't he, he's about to meet Captain America and Black Widow, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. Peter gets out the car and grabs his bagpack, and looks at the building in amazement, and see's a quinjet fly away, "that is a Quinjet, and once Steve and Natasha consider you ready for missions, you'll be on one, awesome right?", asks Tony, and Peter can just nod.

Peter and Tony walk and see some people going by and some look at Peter but just continue on with what they're doing, "so this elevator is for Avengers only, so get on and Steve and Natasha will meet you up there, as will I but I got some business to take care of, just be careful", "you got it Tony", says Peter, as he gets on and The elevator goes up by itself, "hello Mr. Parker, I'm Friday, the AI that controls and helps around the Compound, like Mr. Stark said this elevator is for Avengers only and you are about to meet Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Rogers, who are waiting on the 7th floor".

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