Leipzig Airport!! Pt. 2

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Peter swings away, not wanting to fight Wanda at all, but his webbing is broken by Steve's shield, but he lands some distance away from Steve, "Peter, I wanna say thank you for your condolences from a couple days ago", "thanks Steve, look , I wanna help you, I believe your story, but you gotta stop this, we can do this together, and go stop this doctor you talked about and stop those Winter Soliders", says Peter.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I gotta do this, I'm doing what I believe is right, and so are you", "no, I was wrong, I never should've signed the Accords, you were right, I only signed because I wanted the team to stay together".

Peter and Steve just look at each other, "I'm glad you realized your mistake, but I still gotta do this", says Steve, as he throws the shield, but Peter jumps over it. The shield goes back to Steve, "I don't wanna do this Steve, please stop", says Peter.

Peter is kicked and Steve throws his shield amd makes a plane bridge fall on top of Peter, who catches it, "sorry Peter, but this'll hold you for some time", he says, as he runs away. Peter takes about 2 minutes before he free's himself and goes to the others, then the man in the red suit make himself a giant, "uh what the hell!!".

Peter see's Tony and Rhodey fight this new guy, but then see's Wanda and heads her way, "Wanda, wait", he says, getting her attention. He reaches her and they look at in each other's eyes, "Peter, I'm sorry I left", "no, don't be, I'm glad you left, especially after Tony locked you inside the Compound, which is something I didn't know until you said it just a few minutes ago".

Wanda and Peter walk towards each other as Peter takes off his mask, and Wanda immediately can see the sadness in his eyes, "Peter, are you ok?", she asks, as she cups his face, "I will be, now that I have you back". Wanda smiles, "and I have you back, I missed you these days Peter". They touch their foreheads together, but theyvhear a noise as Vision makes a tower fall where Steve and Bucky are running towards and Wanda stops them.

They don't see Rhodey come behind him as he does a sonicboombti take Wanda off her game, "Rhodey, it's done, she finished!", yells Peter, "good ,make sure she is", he says, flying off. Wanda is on the floor and Peter checks on her, "you'll be ok Wanda, lets get some help".

Peter helps Wanda up and they walk towards the airport, before they hear a qnother explosion, and see Rhodey free falling, "Rhodey no!!".

They see Rhodey hit the ground and Tony and Sam land, barely missing him, "no no, this ain't what I wanted to happen, I didn't sign up for this... me signing the Accords was definitely a mistake", says Peter.

"Peter, it's me Nat, listen, I'm already leaving, get Wanda out of there, Special Ops is gonna show up soon, hurry and reach the jet", he hears over the common, "Wanda we gotta go, we're leaving, Special Ops are almost here, we'll get back to the Compound and-".

They stop as T'Challa shows up un front of them. "Your highness, are you ok?", "no thanks to Romanoff, she let Captain and Barnes escape!", he says in anger, "you, you know where they're going tell me!!".

T'Challa brands his claws on his suit, "Your Highness, I know your angry for what happened to your father, but revenge is not the answer", "quiet Spiderman, I'm talking to her", he says pointing at Wanda.

Wanda hides behind Peter, "Your Highness, please, reconsider what you're doing", "move out of my way, or else!", says T'Challa threatens. Wanda falls to her knees, making Peter look at her, "Peter, I can't, really move the sound wave still hurt", "it's gonna be ok Wanda".

Peter senses something and see's T'Challa about to strike him so he counters him and kicks him away, "Spiderman, a traitor", "no, please, I'm just protecting a friend who knows nothing". T'Challa just ignores him and they start fighting each other, but Peter finds the upper hand and webs up T'Challas hands to truck, "this can't hold me".

T'Challa breaks free but Peter punches T'Challa hard into the truck, which he then falls unconscious, "sorry Your Highness, but that had to be done!", he says. He helps Wanda up, but then Special Ops surrounds them, "freeze", "surrender now".

They hear and then Peter see's Ross, "betraying the Accords huh? Take Spiderman along with Maximoff away, put them with the others". Wanda and Peter are cuffed and taken onto a truck, where they have Clint, the new guy and Sam, "Peter?!? What happened, why you, you were with Tony?", asks Clint, "he saved me from the King", "T'Challa tried hurting Wanda, I wasn't gonna let him", Wanda and Peter explain.

Clint looks grateful Peter was there, "glad you were there kid, sorry you had to be caught though", "yeah, me too", Peter says.

Some Time Later

As they're just waiting for what happens, Wanda and Peter finally break their silence, "Peter, I've had enough time", she says, "so have I", he says. Clint smiles, "it's about time, just kiss already", he says.

Peter and Wanda do exactly that, they kiss for a few seconds, then pull apart and see a shocked Sam Wilson, "when did this happen?".

Wanda smiles and answers, "a few months back, we weren't ready to tell anyone yet", she says, "yeah, sorry you find gotta find out like this", says Peter.

"Enjoy that kiss, you'll be far apart to even do it again where you're being taken", says Ross.
Peter looks at Ross with anger, along with Clint and Sam.

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