Author POV
Peter's 16th Birthday
Peter is spending time with Wanda in her room, both relaxing after training together in the morning. It's a few hours before the party starts and they just want alone time before spending time with everyone else, "Happy Birthday Pete", "thanks Wanda, that means ot coming from you", he says.
Wanda is sitting on his lap while he sits next to the bed frame, holding her tight in his arms, "I love these moments I've been having with you and Tasha, they mean alot to me", "yeah, I love spending all my time on you Pete, these moments can last a lifetime and I would be happy", she says with a big smile.
"These moments will be short lived when school starts up for me I a few weeks", says Peter, which makes Wanda frown, "do you really gotta go?", "yes, school's important, plus I thought you liked me being a nerd?", he says in a teasing manner, which she smiles again, "I do, and I'm glad you like being a nerd, because your mine and Natasha's nerd you hear me", "yes ma'am", he says, as he passionately kisses Wanda.
A Few Hours Later
The party is about to start and Peter just finished getting dressed in a fancy red suit, and is finishing his hair when Natasha walks in, wearing a really fancy blue dress, "woah Tasha, you look beautiful", "thanks Pete, you look really good yourself", she says in a flirtatious way, which makes him smile, "come here", he says. Natasha closes the door and walks towards him, "Happy Birthday babe", she says, kissing his cheek.
He just hugs her in return, "thanks Tasha", he says, as she returns the hug, "you smell amazing as well Pete", "really? Your saying that?", he says, laughing. They pull apart and Natasha helps Peter with his hair, "let me finish this", she says. He just smiles, "this party is gonna be great tonight, I can't wait for you, Wanda and everyone else to meet my Aunt May, you're gonna love her", he says excited, "I can't wait to meet the one who raised the man I'm dating and I'm in love with", says Natasha, she finishes Peter's hair.
They both state into each others eyes, but stop when a knock is heard at the door, "hey Pete, you ready yet?", "yeah, Natasha was helping me with my hair were going", "awesome, let's go kid, your Aunt May is here", says Tony.l "shall we?", "yes, we shall", both Peter and Natasha say, as they leave for the party.
An Hour Later
Natasha, Wanda, Pepper and May are having drinks and talking with each other, while Peter is playing pool with Sam with Steve and Rhodey as spectators, "cmon Sam, Pete almost had you beat", "wouldn't be the first time tonight either", Peter says to Sam, "oh really? You're gonna regret that Pete", Sam says, as he puts in his ball.
The only one who hasn't shown up yet was Clint, since he had to come from Missouri to be at the party, but shows up, his family in stride, "the life of the party is finally here", "nope, that would be me buddy", says Pete as he walks towards Clint, "good to see you Clint", "you too Peter, meet my lovely wife Laura, and my kids, Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel", he says, as everyone rushes over to meet Nathaniel and the other kids.
May, Natasha and Pepper can't get over how cute Nathaniel looks, with Laura holding him, while Cooper and Lila play around with Wanda and Peter, while Clint talks with everyone else.
Sometime Passes and Steve brings out a cake big enough for everyone that says 'Happy 16th Birthday Peter'. Natasha is close to Peter and whispers something to him when every isn't looking, and Peter silently laughs and holds her hand for a few seconds, which goes unnoticed by everyone, except for Clint, who saw from the corner of his eyes and notices somethings changed between them, and he smiles, 'I don't believe it', he thinks.
As they all sing Happy Birthday to Peter, Clint has kept his eyes on Peter and Natasha, he knew they were close but for them to be that close, he didn't think this would happen so fast, but here they are secretly dating behind everyone's back. He just let's it go for now but knows to ask Natasha what's going on without giving away that he knows before he gives away too much.
They cut the cake and everyone gets a piece, but while getting their pieces, Clint asks to talk to Natasha alone, and she goes with him. They find an empty part of the room and eat their pieces of cake for some time before Clint starts the conversation, "so, how are things with you and Peter? I mean, he is an amazing person, how's it been with your favorite Avenger?", he asks, and notices how she blushes and smiles lightly.
"It's been great, he had his first mission two week ago and he did a fantastic job, plus he makes it enjoyable here", she says, "I can see, everyone likes him-", Clint stops to eat his cake before he continues, "- or is it because you both have been dating for some time already?", he says, which stop Natasha.
"We're not dating each other? No, we're best friends, that's all", she says, "cut it out Nat, I know what's happening, I saw how you whispered into his ear while holding his hand for a few seconds, just before we sang Happy Birthday and how when I made a visit a few weeks ago, I saw how you kept scooting closer to him when we weren't looking, I'm not stupid", he says in a smile.
Natasha just looks at Clint and makes a glare at him, "quiet, look, if I tell you what happened, you won't tell anyone, you gotta promise!", "I promise!". She stops glaring and looks at Peter, "it happened two weeks ago, I had been in love with him for some time already, and I tried fighting it at first, but I just accepted it, I liked it when I was with Peter-", she says, stopping to look at Clint, who is just listening to her as she talks.
"- And I went at my own feelings for some time before I came to terms that I was in love with Peter, and when you came to visit, I had already accepted my feelings for him, and he felt the same for me, he was also in love with me for awhile as well". Clint looks towards Laura, who remembers she too tried fighting her feelings for him, "something changed two weeks ago, we took a chance and we told each other how we loved each other abd to my suprise I wasn't the only one who feel in love with Peter".
Clint look towards her confused, "it seems Wanda feel in love with him as well and he feel in love with her, and they come to an agreement after Wanda caught me depressed after I found out about them-", she says, as she holds her hands together, "- they came to me and told me they knew about me being in love with Peter and I admitted it to him, now me and Wanda are dating him secretly", she says.
Clint is left speechless, "so, both you and Wanda are dating Peter?", he asks quietly but confused, "yes, and you gotta keep it a secret, we wanna wait till he's 18 to tell people about us", she says, threatening Clint, "dont worry, it's not my story to tell, plus I kinda like how happy he makes you, you have a bright smile when you're around him, and that goes for Wanda also", he says, as he nods towards Peter. Natasha notices Wanda smiling and see's a big difference, he really does make people have brighter smiles, and she smiles, "and that's why I love him, he's a good person", she says, lovingly.
Clint agrees and nods at that statement, he really does like Peter and is gonna be supportive of Peter's relationships with Wanda and Natasha. "Let's get back to the party, I don't wanna hog up your time", he says in a teasing manner, which makes Natasha smile, "c'mon Clint, really?", she says, as they get up from where they were sitting and head to rejoin the others.

Spider-Man: Finding Love
FanfictionThis is a Peter x Wanda x Natasha loved story I was inspired for this while reading another story some time ago. Peter Parker is Spiderman, and is offered a chance to join the Avengers, and he accepts. He moves in and his life changes immediately. W...