I Need Time!

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Author POV

2 Days Later

Peter is trying to wrap his head around what's been happening with him and Wanda, and it's hard, especially when Natasha isn't here at the moment. He's tried apologizing to Wanda, and they've talked, but she said she need time, but he doesn't know how much time.


Wanda walks into the kitchen and see's Peter eating a sandwich and texting someone, and she knows it's his friend Ned. She's been ignoring him since their breakup, but he has come to apologize, but she hasn't wanted to talk, until now, "hey Pete", she says, getting his attention.

Peter looks up and puts down his phone, "hey Wanda, if you want, I can cook something for you?", "no, that's OK, I'm just here for a drink, that's all", she says, opening the kitchen and grabbing a water.

He walks towards her but stops just a few inches to give her space, "I'm sorry, about what I said Wanda, you we're right, I was scared, and I realized that yesturday while you ignored me-", he says. Wanda looks at him and see's thebsadness in his eyes and she starts feeling sad, she misses Peter, but she knows she still needs time, "- and I know this isn't gonna go away so fast, but I've realized my mistake, but I don't wann lose you, I love you Wanda."

Peter grabs her hands and holds them, but after a few seconds, she just moves them away from Peter, "I'm sorry Peter, but I'm not ready yet, and I'm glad you've accepted what you learned, but it still hurts, about what you said, and I need time", "... how much time?", "... I don't know, but when I'm ready, I'll tell you", Wanda says, as she turns around and leaves the kitchen, leaving Peter alone again.

Later That Day

Peter is in the lab, making more webbing for his web shooters, trying to distract himself from the talk he had with Wanda. He's lost time of how long he's been in here, just wanting to be alone and work away what he's been feeling. He too focused about making the webbing, he doesn't hear Natasha walk in, but he flinches when she hugs him, "oh sorry Pete, you ok?", he shakes his head, "I'd be lying if I said yes", he says.

"Have you tried talking with her?", "yeah, earlier we talked, and she said we needed time", "well, at least your talking now, just give it some time, be there for here", "yeah, that's all I can do". Natasha kisses him for a few seconds but pulls away. "I wanna be here, but I'm going to Vienna for the signing of the Accords, but I'm going to London first to check on Steve", "tell him I send my condolences", "he'll appreciate that".

Natasha stops hugging Peter and walks towards the exit, "dont worry, this'll blow over in time", "yeah, and be safe, I don't like flying on a plane or jet", "you've been on the Quinjet many times already", "I hate flying, and you know why", "yeah, that's understandable, but I'll be fine, bye Pete", Natasha says, blowing a kiss to him as she leaves.

*Flashback Ends*

As Peter walks down the hallway with his bag, he stops at Wanda's door and knocks, "hey Wanda, it's me Peter, umm-", he stops, as Wanda opens the door, "- you going somewhere?", "uhh yeah, I'm gonna go see May for the next few days". Wanda immediately looks saddened..

"I know you said you need time, so I thought the best way to give you that time would be to just go away for a couple days-", he says, "-so yeah, I'm gonna leave, but I'll be back in 2 days", he says. Wanda looks at him and stares into his eyes, as he looks at hers, and they both start leaning towards each other, but Wanda stops and turns away, "sorry, I just need time Peter", "yeah... I'll text you tomorrow ok?", she nods, "yeah, ok".

She closes the door, but Peter just looks at the door before he leaves. He walks out and gets into his car and drives away, but he starts regreting his decision to leave, but he knows this is what needs to happen, they- no, she needs time, and maybe when he returns, he can talk with her again.

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