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Everyone is just horrible to you, right?
Because you're miserable in your life
You wonder why I'm mean
You call me ignorant doesn't hurt
Cause I've been left in the dirt
By you
So I'm never letting you know me too well
If I do it just hurts
I can't take all this hurt
You cause all this pain
Even though I got you through shit
You never care about it
You never care about me
It took me this long to see
But now I know
You have all those hoes
Have a lot of fun
Because now I'm the one with the gun
Shoot it into the air
Trying to fly a white flag
But you don't care
I'm gasping for a little bit of hope
That beneath all the horrible
It's not a shallow slope
Everyone can be saved
But you have to want to
You have to want to be tamed
The bull doesn't just comply
He has to want to
Or you're just a waste of a guy
I saw through the game
I saw all the cheat codes
But I let you win
Because getting into hell was never the sins
It was false hope for a lost soul
Somewhere down deep I know
That you're not the same
And now it shows
I hope you like the letter
Because now everyone knows
How horrible you are
All the faded scars
shine brighter than your mind
Not hard to beat
Cause not much to find
Like an empty scull
With only a torch and a mine
I'm glad you're not mine

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