||🥀Wishful Thinking🥀||

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Wishful Thinking



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She's on her knees, glancing up at the stars, wishing for a love that may never even happen

Praying that she finds someone in the midst of this chaos that will understand her, her pain, her tears, her smile, her words.

She hopes to find someone that won't leave in times of struggle, someone that will stay no matter the situation.

She's tired of people slowly pulling away, slowly growing distant, so she becomes cold, barely letting anyone in.

She's tired, of crying for a love that never even wanted her to begin with

She's tired of chasing someone that was never even meant to be hers.

And then he appears, with the light in his eyes

The smile that could cause anyone to fall for it

His laugh that was so contagious, that even she would join in, even if she wasn't in the right mindset at the time

Everything about him was alluring, was enchanting

He, was enchanting

His words, his heart, his smile, him

He held out a hand to the girl, with that smile of his and she took it without a hesitation.

Letting him pull her into his warm embrace as they stood in the midst of the night, the pale moonlight casting upon their faces, but all they could see was each other.

Their hearts warm and their love glowed so bright, just like the night sky.

And for once, the girl didn't feel so alone, so tired, her heart felt light and her worries slowly melted away, leaving what could only be love in its place.

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