🥀And as we all look up to the stars, we realize that maybe we are all just people, just human, trying to get through day by day, pushing through to find some kind of ethereal happiness to cherish.🥀
°Achievements for this book as of 12/15/2021°
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(A short poem that I've thought of and wanted to share with you guys!)
The wind caught in your hair, the gentle breeze flew past softly.
A smile planted on your face as you stared off into the orange, pink, and yellow painted sunset, mesmerized by the breathtaking sight.
The storm inside you felt calm, you finally felt at peace.
Seeing the eye catching beauty of nature before you never felt more amazing.
You breathe in the fresh salty air, your eyes fluttering close.
You gasp quietly, feeling a cold sensation tickle your feet.
You glance down to see crystal clear water lapping at you playfully, begging for you to adventure farther in.
You let a soft smile grace your features, letting all of the worries finally leave your tense presence.
The calming waves luring you in, and it was peaceful.
Hey guys! So this is my first poem I wanted to share with you all! I've recently started making a few poems and just wanted to post all of those that I've come up with so far. Please just let me know if you enjoyed it or would like to see more, whether leaving a comment or just a vote if you enjoyed!
I really just want to share my love for words with the world and to make people happy with what I write! And what better way than to start with Wattpad! I'm not very good with keeping up with writing stories but now that I have a laptop, it feels so much better to write!
Now, enough of my ranting, please enjoy the rest of my short poems that I've come up with! :)