|The Broken Mask|

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~Trigger Warning~

(Will contain dark and depressing themes)


Fake smiles, fake laughs

Real tears, real thoughts

Darkness ensues but you can't show that it's taking over.

The mask is breaking but you can't let them know.

You make a new one, just to hide the fact that you're not okay inside.

You don't tell anyone, feeling like they'd never understand and that you'd be called selfish.

You feel hurt, and the mask breaks once more when people ask if you're okay, but you can't let them see.

The tears that hide behind that broken but big and amazing smile.

You can feel your presence fade away from everyone.

Pushing yourself away just so you won't hurt or worry anyone anymore.

But that only made it worse..

All you did was make it worse in the end..


Hey guys, so, this is another poem that I've made up recently and it also is based on some things that I've gone through and I wanted to share something that I'm sure that some of you could relate to. But just know that it's okay to not be okay and that it's okay to be vulnerable.

Never be afraid to tell someone how you're feeling, whether it's a close friend, or a close relative or parent or sibling. You could even talk to me. I know I may just be a stranger on the internet but I want to help you guys if you need it or want it. Please don't be afraid to reach out for help, there will be someone on the other side to pull you up when you feel you're at your lowest. Don't let your mind trick you like my mind has done to me so many times before.

Don't let it weigh you down and make you suffer, no one deserves that. Just remember that you're not alone and someone has or is going through what you're going through right now. <3

It will get better, I promise you.

Hange Zoë lover signin out-

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