Next Door?

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"Um guys." I stopped. "Look behind you but don't freak out." I took a deep breath.

"Oh my god." Delanie whispered. "What do you think they want." She squeezed my arm.

"You guys chill out they probably don't even want to talk to us they're probably going to go to the hotel and then fly home in the morning just calm down." Grace chuckled.

"Yeah you're probably right." Emmy sighed.

"Hey girls wait up!" I heard Michael shout. Maybe he was talking to someone else. "Keep walking until we know if they're talking to us so we don't look like idiots." I mumbled.

"Emily!" I froze. "Gosh you guys walk fast." Michael put his hands on his knees out of breath. "Could I talk to you Emily."

"Sure." I chuckled. "Did I forget something?" I frowned not seeing anything in his hands.

"N-no." Michael looked down at his shoes turning red. "You're a pretty cool girl and I was wondering if I could have your number?"

"Uh s-sure." I took his phone and added my self as a contact.

"Cool maybe we could I don't know hang out sometime." Michael smiled shyly.

"Aren't you going back home since the tour ended?"

"No the guys and I decided to stay out here and rented out a house for a little while." He smiled. "We're just not quite ready to go home yet."

"Oh ok." I looked over to see my friends getting in the car. "I have to go see you!" I was about to walk away when Michael pulled me in for a hug.

"Bye love." He whispered and walked away.

"Holy shit." I ran my fingers through my hair. "Michael Clifford just asked me for my number."

"Calum gave me his number." Delanie squealed and showed me the piece of paper.

"I guess we all got our guys number." Emmy smiled. "Come on lets get home so I can text Ashton."

"This is unreal you guys." Grace's phone went off. "Oh my god its Luke." She typed on her phone quickly.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked down to see an unknown number

Hey its Mikey ;)


Whats up?

Just on my way home :)

Are you taking the long way home? :D

Not cool man -.-

Sorry sorry haha

Never again what are you up to?

Going to check out the new house it looked really nice too!


Yep! I think Ashton is following your guys car because we keep going the same way as you and its creepy

Well tell him Emmy doesn't mind him follow us ;)

Will do ma'am

Ok Michael I'll talk to you a little later bye!

Bye babe;)

"Home at last." I yawned and got out taking the keys from Delanie. "Come on guys lets go to bed and then we can go do something tomorrow."

"Hey Emily!" I looked over to where the voice was coming from. "Looks like we're neighbors." Michael smirked. "Sleep well." He waved and walked back inside.

"Well Ladies looks like 5 seconds of summer are our new neighbors."


"Lanie wake up we're going to the beach for the day." Emmy opened the curtains.

"We live right on the beach why are we deciding today of all days to go to the beach?" I frowned.

"Calum will be there." Emmy bribed.

"Ok I'm going." I started to get ready. I threw my hair up in a high ponytail and put on my favorite bikini and walked downstairs to see Emily cooking breakfast and talking with Calum and Michael.

"Emily wheres your bathing suit?" I frowned look at her long sweater she had on.

"I have it on and the one day I decide to wear a bikini these guys walk in so I threw this on." She shrugged and turned back to the stove. "I'm very surprised at how late you woke up Lanie its almost noon."

"I like my sleep." I chuckled. "Anyways i'm gonna head out to the beach anyone wanna come with?" I looked over to Emmy and Grace who sat on the couch with Ashton and Luke.

"We'll be out there once Emily is done cooking." Grace hummed. "Be out in a little while."

"I'll go with you." Calum smiled. "Come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"So you guys moved in right next door huh?" I said trying to make casual conversation.

"Yeah you should have heard Michael yelling at Ashton to stop stalking you guys." Calum chuckled. "I guess he didnt want to freak out Emily."

"I'm sure she would love to be stalked by Michael." I rolled my eyes. "We've been fans of you guys since Ashton joined." I blushed.

"Who's your favorite in the band?" Calum played with the sand not looking me in the eyes.

"Um." I blushed and looked out at the water not wanting to answer. He was probably going to laugh in my face if I said it was him but what did I have to loose?

"You." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Calum teased.

"You heard me." I hissed and covered my face. "You must think I'm some crazy fangirl now." I groaned and started to get up.

"Hey don't go,I don't think you're some crazy fan you're actually really cool and beautiful." Calum got up and picked me up bridal style. "Lets go for a swim shall we?"

"The waters gonna be cold!" I squealed and wrapped my arms around Calum scared for my life.

"I wont drop you I promise." Calum smiled.

"Hey guys!" Grace called. "We brought out the boogie boards and surfboards!"

"Ooh lets go on the boogie board!" Calum sat me down and I dragged him back to shore.

"Hey Lanie you wanna go for a surf with me?" Emily smirked. "Someones too chicken to go out with me." She stuck her tongue out at Michael who frowned.

"Sorry love shes mine." Calum winked. "Michael don't be a baby get in the water with your girl." Calum covered his mouth. "Oops." He chuckled

"Come on before he kills you." I saw Michael glaring at Calum. "Lets go!" I grabbed his hand and ran out into the ocean.

"So did you grow up in LA?" Calum asked while trying to catch a wave on his board. "Because none of you girls look like you grew up in LA." Calum chuckled.

"I was born in Michigan but after my Mom died my Father moved us to Cali and that where I found Emily." I looked over to see her riding a wave and Michael falling off his board.

"You guys seem close huh?" Calum smiled.

"Yeah Emily and I go way back, we meet Emmy and Grace in high school." I nodded.

"I can tell all of you girls have a very strong friendship together."

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