Rot in hell you bastard

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"This has been a great day don't you agree Lanie?" Calum asked.

"Yeah it was a great day." I smiled.

"I think we should have a bonfire." Luke suggested. "It's getting a little chilly so why not have a bonfire on the beach?"

"Hey sounds good to me." Grace agreed. "Hannah should be getting home from work she'll enjoy that."

"Who is Hannah?" Calum frowned.

"She's our new roommate." I growled. "Speak of the devil." I mumbled and looked up to see Hannah looking straight at Calum and smirking.

"Could I maybe join you guys?" Hannah pouted.

"Of course come sit." Emmy smiled.

Hannah walked right in front of Calum and sat on his lap. "You know Hannah there is an open seat." Grace looked nervous.

"That's ok, I like this seat a lot better." Hannah winked at Calum who turned to look at me.

"I think I'm heading in for the night." I scowled and walked back into the house to see Michael cuddling with Emily.

"Hey what are you doing?" Emily yawned. "Cal needs someone to keep him warm." She winked.

"Yeah Hannah took my job." I growled. "Ugh!" I sat down on the couch. "What a bitch, she is doing that just to annoy me."

"Shes out there just sitting on his lap." Emily frowned. "I don't get it she was so nice to Michael and I when she came in."

"Yeah but she hates me and has her eye on Calum obviously." I sighed. "Guess my chances with Calum are gone."

"Yeah I doubt that." Michael smirked. "He talks about you all the time."

"He does?"

"Uh yeah." Michael said looking at Emily who was about to fall asleep. "Trust me he wouldn't leave you for Hannah."

I decided to trust Michael and go back outside and sit with everyone. When I got outside Hannah and Calum were kissing. Calum was actually kissing her back.

I knew it was going too good for it to work out. I was to oblivious to see he was a player, we may not have been dating but it felt like we were.

I ran up to my room and slammed my door. Why does this have to happen to me?

"Delanie!" Emily gasped. "What the hell happened to you?" She pulled me in for a hug.

"Calum kissed Hannah." I cried. "He was actually kissing her back."

"Oh that boy is dead." Emily growled. "I'll be right back babe." She kissed the top of my head and stormed out of the room.

Oh god.


I stormed down the stairs furious with Calum, how could he do that to Delanie? After all she has been through in her life.

"Whoa babe whats wrong." Michael tried to grab my hand but I kept walking.

"Calum Hood that's what." I said stopping to stand in front of Calum. "Hannah can you go sit somewhere else besides Calum's lap." I scowled.

"Sure." Hannah kissed Calum on the cheek and slid in the seat next to him.

"You Hood are an asshole." I screeched and slapped him across the face. "You kissed Hannah right in front of Lanie and now her heart is shattered."

"Do you know what she has been through in life?" Calum shook his head curious. "Her mother died when she was 2 f*cking years old and her Dad turned into a drug addict, and left Delanie to fend for herself."

"I met her when we were 10 years old and she had been living on the streets for five years on her own, she always told me she never really new what love was until she met you, and guess what? You f*cked up Hood you f*cked up bad."

"Rot in hell you bastard." I shouted and walked back inside up to Delanie's room.

"Thanks for standing up for me Em." Delanie smiled. "I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem love." I chuckled. "Now you look tired you should go to bed." I gave her a hug an walked back downstairs and saw Calum and Michael talking.

"Hood." I growled. "What the hell do you want now."

"Please don't hurt me." Calum squeaked. "I need to talk to you but first Michael."

Michael came behind me and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't move."Ugh Mike." I pouted. "What."

"Ok so Hannah kissed me I didn't kiss her back." Calum sighed.

"Whats that smell?" I scowled. "Oh yeah bullshit that's what I smell." I snickered.

"No I swear on my life I didn't kiss her back." Calum sighed. "I would never do that to Lanie."

"ok." I rolled my eyes. "She's very upset."

"Please help me make it up to her." Calum begged.

"Ok sure we'll talk about it tomorrow." I went and sat down next to Michael.

"American Horror Story?"

"Duh." I chuckled.

After a few minuets of silence I decided to tease Michael.

"Oh my god Evan Peters is so hot." I cooed. "I want to marry him someday."

"Don't say that, it makes me want to jump through the tv and hurt him."

"Hm." I pouted.

"Don't do that." Michael looked away from me.

"Do what?"

"Pout you lips like that it makes me want to kiss you."

"So why not kiss me?" I replied and connected our lips.

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