Be mine?

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Today was the day Calum was going to take Delanie out on a date and apologize to her. Of course Calum was nervous and is making me help with everything.

"Emily." Calum whined. "I don't think I can do it." He mumbled and looked down at his shoes.

"Don't be nervous, just tell her how you feel speak from the heart you'll be fine." I smiled. "I believe in you Cal."

"Can you help me with my tie?" Calum pouted.

"Of course." I chuckled. "I swear Hood you break her heart again I'll hurt you bad." I grumbled. "You should have saw her face when you and Hannah kissed."

"Ok I get it Em." Calum sighed. "I just really need to make it up to her." He nodded. "Ok I'm gonna head to the secret location." He winked. "Have Lanie there by 7."

"Yep go it." I smirked. "Good luck asshole." I hugged him tightly.

"Thanks whore." Calum teased and walked out the door.

I headed off to my house to make Delanie get ready. "Hey Lanie get dressed up we're going out tonight." I shouted up the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Delanie frowned. "I thought we planned on watching Netflix all night?"

"I decided we should go out instead tonight." I walked upstairs to her. "Come on lets get ready."

"You're actually wearing a skirt?" Delanie gasped. "Ok whats up?"

"Nothing we need to dress up for where we're going." I said doing my touching up my makeup. "Come on tonight is gonna be so much fun."

"Ok." Delanie sighed. "Are you going to try to find me a guys tonight?"


"Yes you are! I'm still not over Calum." Delanie fumed. "I'm not going." She pouted.

"I promise I'm not setting you up with anyone now hurry up and go get ready. You really need a shower!" I pinched my nose pretending she stunk.

"Whatever." She grumbled and walked into her bathroom.

I walked downstairs and saw Michael at the door talking to someone. "Come on mate, Emily doesn't want to see you just leave."

"I need to talk to her!" I heard Nathan.

"Mike." I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'll handle this." I kissed his cheek.

"Ok I'll be in the living room." Michael whispered.

"Emily." Nathan pulled me in for a hug. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for things to get out of hand." He mumbled. "These few days have been so hard." Nathan cried. "I need you Em you're my best friend I'm so sorry please forgive me."

"Of course Nate." I smiled. "I need to thank you anyways Michael and I confessed our feelings for each other."

"Are you two dating?"

"No." I sighed.

"He'll ask you out eventually." Nathan smiled weakly.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "Look Nate I'm going to have to talk to you tomorrow." I chuckled.

"Ok babe I'll see you." Nathan hugged me and walked out back to his car.


"Come on lets go!" Emily grabbed the keys.

"So are you gonna tell me what we're doing now?" I asked getting into the car.

"Nope it's a surprise." She squealed.

"This is going to be awful something is up you're wearing a skirt. It's just bad luck when you wear girly clothes." I groaned.

"Oh come on lighten up." She smiled brightly. "Trust me you'll be thanking me for this later."

"Oh god."

"Don't panic."

"Too late." I mumbled. "Why do you do these things to me?"

"Because I love you." She cooed and played around with the radio.

"Yeah I'm starting doubt that." I looked out the window. Where the hell are we going and why?

"Ok babe this is your stop." Emily winked. "Just follow the rose pedals and text me later."

"What I-"

"GET OUT OF MY CAR." She screeched. "Love you have fun bye." She sped off. My god is she weird.

I looked around and finally noticed I was at a beach. Ok why am I here? I need my bathing suit. Wait am I here alone?

I decided to take Emily's advice and follow the rose pedals. When the rose pedals came to an end there stood Calum.

"Oh hell no." I groaned and started to walk the other way.

"Delanie please wait!" Calum grabbed my arm. "Come on I wanna talk." He sighed. "I begging you." He frowned.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Calum smiled shyly.

"Yeah a little." I looked down at the ground.

"Ok I went and got us spaghetti your favorite." He said setting down a plate in front of me.

"Thank you Calum." I said digging in. "Why did you make Emily drive 45 minuets to bring me to a beach when we already live on a beach?"

"I just like this beach." Calum shrugged. "But Lanie-"

"Please don't call me Lanie."

"Ok sorry Delanie I brought you here for many reasons, but the number one reason I brought you here is to apologize."

"I didn't know Hannah was going to kiss me and I was so mad I just I don't have any words for how furious I was with her and everything."

"Delanie, before I met you I was in a dark place and you were the light that brought me out of that bad place." He smiled weakly.

"You don't know how much you mean to me." He said tears slipping out of his eyes. "I need you Delanie and I can't tell you how much I love you."


"I'm not finished." He sniffled. "Delanie the first time I saw you I was so nervous to talk to you I tried to be a confident romantic guy to win you over but I'm really not like that."

"I have no confidence what so ever and I never really had many girlfriends." He sighed.

"Calum you don't need to explain yourself to me." I grabbed his hand. "I forgive you." I stood up and sat on his lap.

"Thank you." He breathed out. "Now that leads to the other reason why I brought you here." He closed his eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"


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