Stay Strong Beautiful

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"Ok guys we really need to talk about this band." I played with my hands.

"We just played a great show we are not breaking up." Holly said sternly.

"Oh no nothing like that!" I chuckled. "I talked to Luke yesterday and he said that he wanted to sign us to hi or hey records."

"I don't know Grace." Sophie frowned. "I feel like he only wants to sign us because you two are basically dating."

"We aren't dating Sophie." I ran my hands down my face in frustration. "He said their boss wants to sign us to hi or hey records."

"You know it's a partnership between them right?"

"We don't stalk them so how would we know?" Zoe scoffed.

"So that's a yes?" I stuck my bottom lip.

"Oh fine." Holly rolled her eyes.

"Ok I'm going home to talk to Luke, practice next week!" I yelled walking out of Starbucks.

I started walking on my way home since I didn't bring the car with me because it was a nice day in LA.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to see a girl who looked about my age. "Are you Grace Harper?"

"Yep that's me." I smiled sweetly. "Why do you ask babe?"

"Oh my god." She said covering her mouth. "I love your band, can I have a picture and autograph?"

"Sure." I sighed her paper she had and took a picture with her.

"Oh my gosh are you guys going to record your own songs and go on a world tour?"

"We're working on it." I smiled. "If you want to go meet the rest of the band they're at Starbucks right now." I gave her a hug. "Thanks so much for your support it means a lot!"

"Thank you for your encouraging words on almost all social media it really helps me get through my day." She said slipping off her bracelet revealing cuts on both of her wrists.

"Stay strong beautiful." I croaked and gave her another hug.

"Here you can have this." She smiled weakly and handed me one of her bracelets. "It's my favorite and I want you to have it."

"I'll never take it off." I sniffled slipping it on and looking at the bracelet. It was black and it said had little hearts that said encouraging words on each heart. "What is your name?"

"Maddie." She nodded.

"I love you Maddie and please stay strong for me." I sighed. "Here's my number if you ever need someone to talk to." I said writing down my number on a scrap piece of paper.

"Thank you so much." She said tears falling down her face. "I will stay strong for you." She gave me one last hug and started walking towards Starbucks.

I walked back home feeling good. Even though we only did post covers it made an impact on some people. What's going to happen when we make our own music?

We need to get to the studio as soon as possible. I ran into the guys house and saw Luke sitting on the couch talking with Ashton.

"Luke." I went and sat down next to him. "The Worthy would love to be signed to hi or hey records."


Hello Em! Mom and I are going to be coming down to the house for a few days to see how you girls have been settling! See you soon -Dad

Ok when are you coming?

Tomorrow :)

Ok see you then.


"Shit." I groaned and looked around. This house is filthy! I need to clean this whole house by tomorrow? Well I'm screwed.

"Hey Emmy." Hannah mumbled.

"Uh hi." I tried not to look at her.

"Is everyone home I really need to have a meeting." She ran her fingers through her curls.

"Yeah I'm sure they are." I nodded. "Emily is probably up in her room playing video games, Delanie is watching Netflix, and Grace is out at the moment actually."

"I'm home bitches!" Grace shouted. "Oh my god we actually have fans."

"That's great!" I cheered. "Hannah wants to have a meeting." I said sitting down on the couch.

"Ok." She came and sat down next to me. "Emily Delanie come downstairs!"

Once everyone was sat down Hannah stood up in front of us.

"First of all I would like to apologize to everyone especially you Delanie."

"I just don't know what was going on that night, I feel so terrible and when I saw your face Delanie oh my gosh I just wanted to go and apologize right then and there."

"Like any girl I have my own insecurities, and when I saw Calum I thought 'oh why not see if he thinks i'm actually pretty."

"I then realized after I had forced him to kiss me he was for real in love with Delanie and it made me jealous but now I realize that what I did was wrong. I just really would like to find love like you girls have."

"If you don't want to forgive me I understand, and I'm going to move out soon so you won't have to deal with me." She said walking away but was stopped when Delanie pulled her into a hug.

"I'm not angry at you anymore, you basically made Cal open up to me and now we're dating." She smiled. "So let's just forget about all of this."

"Sounds good to me." Hannah breathed out.

"Group hug!" Emily shouted and we all went in for a hug.

"Oh my god I love group hugs come on lads lets join in!" I heard Ashton shout. "Hey babe." Ashton mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist.


"Ok guys I can't breathe." Hannah said quietly.

"Sorry." Delanie chuckled.

"Ok now I have to clean!" I ran and started to clean the kitchen. "Everything has to be perfect."

"Why are you cleaning?" Luke said looking through the fridge.

"My parents are coming to visit and I need this house to be spotless." I said putting all the dirty dishes into the dish washer.

"My Mum is coming tomorrow too!" Luke smiled brightly. "I haven't seen her in so long I just miss her so much."

"I know how you feel my parents travel the world for work and I barely see them."

"We'll help you clean!" Delanie announced. "Come on guys it'll get done faster." She grabbed Calum's hand and walked upstairs.

"We'll take the basement." Emily smirked. I knew I was going to have to clean there later.

"We'll do the extra stuff." Grace nodded and walked off with Luke.

"Ash could you start on the living room I'll be there in a minuet."

"Wait, so i'm going to meet your parents tomorrow?" Ashton said turning pale.

"You'll be fine babe." I gave him a reassuring peck to the lips. "Now lets clean!"

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