#1 Chapter

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Laura's POV

07:55 AM

I wake up about an hour ago, and decide to spend the time until my alarm goes off browsing my social media accounts. It was quite a sleepless night for me as today is the first day of 10th grade and I definitely have mixed feelings. It would be a lie if I said I was excited, so I'd rather say I'm worried, upset and nervous. My alarm finally decides to ring and I turn it off. I get up from my bed and stop by the bathroom. Then I go back to my room and put on my uniform. Since my school is quite far from my home during the school year I live in a dorm, so I grab the luggage I already prepared from last night and head to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mom and dad are already at work so I pour myself a glass of juice to go with my pancakes and start eating. After I finish my breakfast, I grab my backpack and leave the house.

08:48 AM
I've been waiting at the bus stop for 15 minutes now and my bus still isn't here. *If it doesn't come in a few seconds, I'll be late.*- I think to myself. While I'm staring at the bus schedule, I hear a car horn that makes me turn around. "Hey, you're Laura, aren't you?" asks a boy who looks like he hasn't slept in two weeks. "Yes, and who are you?" I answer with a question. "I'm Jake, you and I are in the same class," says the boy. "Do you want me to drive you to school? Anyway, we are in the same direction." At the same moment, the guys in his backseat roll down their windows and I see two rather familiar faces. "Hey, Laura." exclaims one of them. "Um, hello Charlie." I mumble with antipathy. "Hi to you too Alex." Alex turns away and refuses to return my greeting, how kind. "So what do you think? Will you get in or not?" Jake asks me again. Since I'm already late anyway, it might be a good idea to stay and wait for my bus, but then again, it might not come for the next hour so I nod and get into Jake's car without to thinking too much about it.

09:12 AM
As I look out of the car window, I realize that we have already arrived in front of the school. Jake parks in front of it and me, Charlie and Alex get out of the car. "Shall I help you with the suitcase?" suggests Jake. "No, no problem, the dormitory is across the street." "Jake, what's bothering you, since when are you such a gentleman?" Alex asks sarcastically and mockingly. "It's basic manners Alex, a trait that you obviously lack." notes Jake. While the two of them are making jokes, I decide to quietly walk away and head to the dorm. On the way there I meet my friend Cindy. "Hey Laurie!" Cindy yelled, waving her arms. "We agreed not to call me that, I say in a cold tone."
"I'm sorry, but I was impatient. After all, we haven't seen each other all summer and I've been missing you." "Will you hold my suitcase for a moment?" I say pushing my luggage to Cindy as I try to get my phone out of my pocket. "Well, it's not fair, whose suitcase should I hold first, mine or yours?" complains Cindy under her nose. I unlock my phone hoping he might have texted me but no. And the person in question, from whom I expect a message, is my best friend Eric. Although we have only known each other for a few months and have never seen each other in person, I feel very close to him and know that I can count on him for anything, and the same applies to him. "Hello, can you take the suitcase back now, it's going to break my wrist?" Cindy cried. "Yes, yes, of course." I answer while pulling my luggage.

10:38 AM
My long black hair covers my tired eyes as I try to look out the window, but unfortunately the sun shines too brightly, so I decide to just close them. I rest my head on my desk and listen to what the others in the classroom are talking about. "Cindy, do you know if the teacher will come to class?" asked Kevin. Cindy is the class president, and if anyone wants to know anything important about teachers, school rules, or study material, she is always the one to turn to. "Actually no." Cindy answers. I guess she's just running late. "Do you know something, Laura?" Kevin turns to me. "No, I have no idea." I answer in a half-asleep state. "Of course she doesn't know. Just look at her, she doesn't even know what planet she is on." says Alex naggingly. I don't even bother to look at him, I just imagine he's not here and continue to lie on my desk with my eyes closed. "She even forgot to bring her health card, I'm sure about it." adds Alex. I open my eyes in shock. I feel a cold sweat break out and I slowly turn to Cindy who is sitting right next to me and has her big green eyes staring into mine as if to say, *You didn't take it did you? How could you forget?* "I'm sorry I really forgot." I sigh quietly, as the Math teacher finally enters the classroom. *Why am I such an airhead?*

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