#5 Chapter

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Alex's POV

06:15 AM
I'm just waking up and the first thought that pops into my head is how to apologize to Laura for yesterday. *I can write her a note and leave it on her desk, or I can apologize over chat. Now that I think about it, I guess the second option would be less engaging.*

Alex: Hi Laura. I don't know if you'll ever see this message, and even if you do, I don't expect you to reply, so don't worry. I just wanted to apologize to you for what happened yesterday, as I really didn't do it on purpose. I hope you forgive me.

As I write this message, I think about how she and Tom were talking in the hallway. I fear that they may become closer. I hope I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that Tom is interested in her, so if I'm going to make a move on her, I need to do it as soon as possible, and I'm going to start by telling her that I'm Eric.

Laura's POV

While I'm on my phone I see a new notification and open it. *What? Has Alex apologized to me? I can't believe it.* It's hardly sincere, so I just leave him ond seen, and continue listening to my music.

10:11 AM
We're in a break again, and Cindy and I are eating together on the roof as always. Also I don't miss the opportunity to tell her about the message I received earlier in the morning.
"You won't believe who texted me this morning!"
"Who?" Cindy asks as she raises her eyebrows questioningly.
"Alex! He had written me an apology for yesterday."
"You do not say! Shall I flip something over?" says Cindy.
"Right! I couldn't believe it when I saw it either. I guess he wrote it so we wouldn't bring it up again, not because he was really sorry."
"If he dares to do something like that again, I will not only raise the issue, but I will hit him on the head with a cannonball."
"Leave it, let's not discuss it anymore.  I'm not interested anyway, I answer and take a bite out of my sandwich."

Alex's POV
03:21 PM

I texted my friend Jake a while ago to meet me in the hallway after class, and I'm currently waiting for him to come.
"Hello Alex!" called Jake.
"Hello, let's sit on a bench, I want to talk to you about something."
"Tell me what's up?" he asks as we sit down on the bench.
"You probably don't even suspect it, but I like Laura, and I wanted to ask you for advice on how to tell her."
"Oh my God! You serious? I thought you couldn't stand her!"
"I guess it's because I don't know how to act around her without looking nervous, and I'm betting on arrogance."
"This is definitely a wrong tactic."
"I know, that's why I called you here, please help me."
"Honestly, even I don't know what I would do if I were you, but maybe it would be best to be honest with her."
"I don't think she'll believe me if I tell her I like her.  Also, there is another problem."
"What now?"
"I've been texting her for a few months, pretending to be a boy named Eric."
"Man, are you kidding me?  And why do you do this?"
"I wanted to get closer to her, but I was afraid to do it as myself, so I decided that this was the best decision for now."
"This is the worst decision you could have made, honestly."
"I know, I know, stop scolding me. I called you to give me advice, not to yell at me."
"Okay, listen now. I suggest you get closer to her, and when you think she already trusts you enough, tell the truth."
"Are you sure it will work out?"
"I can't be completely sure, but you don't lose anything if you try, she can't stand you anyway."
"Oh wow, thank you so much. Anyway, I'll listen to you, I have no other choice."

Laura's POV

Tom and I are walking towards his house and talk. He says that the others would be late and we would meet directly at his place, so he suggested that we not wait for them and that we both go together.
"Laura, are you free this weekend?"
"I'm not very sure, I think Cindy and I have to go to the mall, if it's for the project, I think we'll be able to finish it today."
"No, it's not because of it, just to see each other, maybe we can go to the cinema."
"Some other time, maybe, but I'm sure that Steven and Rebecca will not refuse you."
"I meant just the two of us." whispers Tom under his breath.
"What did you say? Sorry, I didn't hear you."
"Ah, nothing important, and I think they will agree, and you can join us some other time."
"Yes, yes definitely. I answer him with a smile."

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