#3 Chapter

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Cindy's POV

06:51 AM
As I get ready for another school day, I think about how much fun I had over the weekend. Laura and I had a picnic in the park behind the school as the weather allowed and everything was going great until Alex showed up. His cute expression and light blonde hair would make one think he is an angel, but he is quite the opposite. Of course he didn't miss an opportunity to make fun of me and Laura, and make some shady comments about our clothes and the way we ate. *I'm not eating at all like a wild animal, I honestly don't know what is this boy's problem!* After I'm fully dressed and ready for school, I go over to Laura to wake her up, only to see her staring at her phone , she must have been awake for hours.

Laura's POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the door across from me open, and Cindy walks in. "Good morning!" she exclaims. "I hope it's good." "Won't you get ready now, you'll be late, and then I won't save you in front of the teacher." "I'm getting up, I'm getting up," I yell, yawning. "Okay, then I'll wait for you in the classroom, bye." "See you later, Cindy."

Tom's POV

Talking to Steven I hear the door behind me open and Laura enters the room. Apparently I've been staring at her for quite some time now as I sense Steven wave his hand in front of my face in an attempt to get my attention. "Hello, Tom, can you hear me?" "Yes, yes, and what about your grandmother?" "What grandma, what are you talking about? I asked you what time you wanted to meet at your place after school to discuss the project." "Well, let it be as soon as we finish our classes. We're going to leave here together." "Okay, thanks for finally answering me." Steven is shaking his head. I get up from my seat and head towards Laura to tell her what time the meeting will be. "Hey, Laura. I just wanted to tell you that right after the last class we will gather at my place for the project." "Nice, as you say." It's okay, right? If there is, tell me and we will postpone it for another time." "No, there is no problem, I'm sorry, I just haven't woken up yet." she explains without looking at me. "Okay in that case, see you later." I say and quietly return to my seat. Steven notices my serious expression and pats me on the back. "What's happening? She won't come?" "No, she said she would come, but it seems to me that something is wrong, I'm worried about her." "You know girls, they switch a hundred moods per minute." "Don't talk nonsense, Steven! She's not just any girl." I shout as I open my history book. Steven looks at me like I've lost my mind, but I don't blame him, maybe I really have.

Laura's POV

03:18 PM
We just finished school and now I'm outside, walking towards the exit, I notice a familiar black-haired boy in the distance. *That must be Tom.* I walk towards him and he turns his head to one side and pretends to not see me. "Tom? Where are the others?" "Oh, hi Laura, I didn't see you. Well, I'm not sure, but I guess they will come soon." After a few minutes, Steven and Rebecca arrive. Together we go to Tom's house. While we're walking I hear loud and heavy footsteps behind me which make me turn around. I see Alex pass us, nudging Tom on the shoulder. "Hey, Alex, can't you walk more carefully? The sidewalk is wide enough!" "I'm sorry, Tom." Alex stops in front of us and turns around. "Actually no, I'm not sorry you shouldn't have stood in my way." he adds with a smirk look and continues to walk forward. "This kid is seriously getting on my nerves. " Steven grits his teeth while clenching his hand into a fist. "Calm down, Steven, leave him alone, sooner or later he will get what he deserves." says Rebecca.

04:26 PM
We have been working on the English project for an hour now and I decide to take a short break. Tom brings us snacks and Rebecca and Steven wonder what music to play in the background while we work. "Tom, excuse me, but where is the toilet?" I ask. "Right at the end of the corridor." "Thank you, I'll be back in a moment."

Steven's POV

As I sit on the sofa I notice Tom staring at the armchair where Laura was sitting. "Psst, Tom, are you okay?"
"Yes, why shouldn't I be?" "Did Laura say something to upset you again." I tease him." "She has never said anything like that!" "Then why do you keep looking at her with that blank look... wait." "What now, aren't you going to leave me alone?" Tom hissed, looking at me with confusion." "Don't tell me that you like Laura." And why is that?" What's wrong with me liking her?" "Tom, out of all the girls at school that you know are interested in you, you chose to like her?" "Yeah, that's right, and it's not even recent at all, I'm surprised that you only found out now." "Man, I'm sure that even with her friend, the redhead, what was her name?" "Don't you mean Cindy?" "That's right, you probably have a better chance even with her than with Laura. To be honest, I have never seen anyone as antisocial as her." "Say what you want, my opinion of her will not change." "Look, I'm only trying to help you..." Laura enters the room and I decide to stop my conversation with Tom at this point, but that doesn't mean I'm bringing up the topic for the last time.

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