#6 Chapter

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Laura's POV

It's been more than a month since 10th grade started, and so far things are going well.  Nothing interesting has happened in the past few weeks, except for the fact that Alex has started to be more polite to me, as well as to the others. I've known him since the 8th grade, and in these two years, this is the first time I've seen him in this light.  I don't know what got into him, but I don't think his business is clean.

07:52 AM
On my way to literature class, I stop by the lockers to get my textbook and notebook. Opening the door of my locker, a small envelope falls out of it, which most likely contains a letter.  *How weird.* I immediately open the envelope and take out the letter, which says:

"Laura, can we meet after school on the roof of the school at 03:00? I have something important to tell you."

*Strange, it doesn't say who it's from.*
No matter how important it is that they even tell me with a note. Anyway, I guess I won't find out who the sender is until after class.

"Hello, Laura!" Cindy called from the other end of the corridor.
"Hello to you too. Guess what I just found in my locker."
"I don't know, nothing comes to mind.
"A note, and not just any note, see for yourself."
"Who could it be from?"
"I have no idea, but I guess I will learn at 3 o'clock."
"Shall I come with you?"
"Not a bad idea actually, but hide somewhere so it's not awkward."
"Yes, good idea. I agree."

02:59 PM
Cindy and I are just arriving on the roof, but we don't see anyone. Cindy hides behind one of the doors leading to the exit, and I sit on one of the benches and wait.
After a few minutes I see someone in the distance coming this way. I get up from the bench to walk towards him and who to see.
"Alex?" I say in amazement.
"Hello, Laura."
"What important thing do you have to tell me?"
"Come sit down and you will understand."
"Well, what's going on?"
"I've been meaning to tell you for a long time, and I think it's time to be honest with you. The truth is that I've liked you for a long time and I still didn't know how to show it to you, so I acted very immature and I'm sorry."
"Wait a minute, are you serious, or are you trying to trick me again?"
"I'm totally serious and I'm really sorry for all the stupid things I've ever said to you and Cindy."
"Okay, okay, so be it. I really wish you are telling the truth..."
"It's true, and not only that. I really like you, and I don't expect you to feel the same way about me, but do you at least want to get closer?"
"Well, I'm not sure, right now I'm so surprised. Give me time to think."
"I'll give you as much time as you want, just be honest with me."
"Is it okay if I text you tonight, about my answer?
"Of course, take your time."
"Okay then, I'm leaving, see you later Alex."

Making my way to the exit, I glance sheepishly at Cindy hiding behind the door, and motion for her to follow me.
"My God, did my ears hear that right?  does Alex like you?"
"We can't be one hundred percent sure.  Something tells me this is his next trick to humiliate me."
"I hope it's not like that, I sincerely hope he's done with these games of his by now." said Cindy, and we both go home at the dormitory.

09:15 PM
Laura: Hi Eric.  👋
Eric: Hi, what's up?
Laura: I wanted to tell you about something that happened at school today.
Eric: What happened?
Laura: Alex told me he liked me and also asked me if he wanted to get closer.
Eric: Please?  I can not believe!
What did you answer him?
Laura: I told him I'll think about it and answer him tonight, but the problem is that I haven't decided yet.
Eric: Why, what's bothering you?
Laura: Well, he can only lie to me to make fun of me again.
Eric: I don't believe it, he's hardly that sadistic.
Laura: I don't know, I haven't seen anything good from him yet.
Eric: I say give him a chance, and whatever happens, happens.
Laura: Okay then, I'll take your advice.  Good night.
Eric: Good night, good luck!

Laura: Hey, Alex, I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay with getting to know each other.
Alex: I'm glad to hear that, in that case, do you want to go to the movies together tomorrow?
Laura: Well, sure at what time?
Alex: At 1:30PM is it okay? I'll come pick you up from the dorm.
Laura: Alright, see you tomorrow then. Alex: See you tomorrow!

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