#11 Chapter

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Laura's POV

11:28 AM
Me, Cindy and Tom are in the school's library preparing for our joint literature project. There is absolutely no one around us, and complete silence reigns.
"He should have been here too." Cindy says quietly, leaning over her textbook.
"I know, Cindy, I know." I murmur quietly.


Alex's POV

01:06 PM
I've been walking through the woods for what must have been several hours, and I don't see anyone around. At one point I thought about calling Jake to pick me up in his car, but I noticed that my phone battery had died. I was hoping there would be a bus stop nearby, but alas, there isn't.
Lucky for me, at least the sun is still up, and even though there is snow all around me, it's not that cold.
I suddenly see a road and decide to call a car to hitchhike. One, two, three, maybe more cars pass me.
*What are they doing, that they don't see me?*
I kick the snow angrily, slipping on the ice and falling on my back again. Now I can't even stand up, how wonderful, it's okay!
*I shouldn't have left the lake alone! No, more precisely, I shouldn't have come here at all. Why did I offer them to join? I'm clearly not wanted here anyway. That was an awfully big and stupid mistake!*
Finally a car approaches me and I realize it's Tom's car. *Oh no! Should I pretend I don't see him, or swallow my pride and get in the car?* I instinctively step back, seeing Tom stop his car right in front of me. *They must be mad at me, I'd better get in another car.*
"Alex!" Laura shouts, getting out of the car. Where have you been? We were looking for you for hours?!
"You can't be serious-"
"Do you know how much you worried us?" Cindy complains. Why do you always act like this?"
"How exactly do I behave, in your opinion?"
"Conceited and selfish!" We thought you got lost somewhere along the way and froze to death!
"Since when do you care so much about me? You didn't even notice me until a while ago!"
"Alex, I'm sorry I neglected you like that, I mean we're sorry, all of us.  Despite everything, you tried to change, and we didn't appreciate it."
"Come on, everyone get in the car, we'll talk inside. We are all still standing in the middle of the road." says Tom urging us to hurry.

Laura's POV
"Ah, here he comes, at last!" exclaimed Tom, pointing towards Alex.
"Hello, sorry for being so late."
"Where were you? We've been waiting for you for half an hour, I point out."
"The art teacher wanted me to help her with printing some posters."
"It doesn't matter, he still came, even though he was late." Cindy laughs.
"What posters? I became curious." I ask a question.
"Actually, this was supposed to be a surprise, but they are for the Christmas party. Just please don't tell anyone!"
"Sounds great, can we help you with something?" Cindy asks.
"Actually yes, I think she is looking for people to make decorations, we also have to decorate the Christmas tree."
"I don't mind getting involved, but let's first make the project that we have for tomorrow." replies Tom.
"You're right, in that case, let's get to work!" adds Alex.

Alex's POV
10:12 AM

I stop by the canteen to buy something when I see Laura sitting alone at one of the tables.
"Hello, I've come to get something to eat, do you want me to buy something for you too?"
"Hello Alex, actually, would you mind buying me a sandwich?" she answers while handing me her money.
"Of course, but don't worry, about it."
"Okay then, thanks."
I return carrying the sandwiches and decide to sit next to her.
"I won't bother you if I stay with you, right?"
"No, no problem." she answers quietly.
"I'm asking in case you're waiting for someone."
"Actually, I'm waiting..."
"Hello Alex, Laura." says Tom coming towards us.
"Hello to you too, Tom." I answer, trying to hide my disappointment.
"I guess you've already started eating without me, huh? Laura, I asked you to wait for me." he says jokingly.
"That's right, but Alex came over and offered to treat me, so I didn't want to turn him down." she replies, looking at Tom right in the eyes with the biggest smile I've ever seen.
"It's okay, will you treat me too?"
"I would, but I ran out of money, maybe another time." I lie to him.
"Okay then, forget it."
"Well, I won't bother you anymore, so see you later."
"No, you're not bothering us, stay." says Laura.
"Look, I have a history homework to write, I'll take the opportunity to finish it before recess is over."
"As you wish, in that case see you later Alex!"
"Bye Tom, and you too Laura."

They seem so close, maybe she's already developed feelings for him, and that would mean I'm already out of the game. And if that's really the case, I'd better give her up on time before it's too late and I end up hurting my own feelings even more. I don't have a chance with her anyway, it was clear that after everything I did to her, she couldn't look at me differently. It's a real miracle that she's even talking to me after everything that's happened, it proves once again what a good person she is, and how kind she is, I just don't deserve her.

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