#7 Chapter

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Laura's POV

09:19 AM
Cindy and I have breakfast together while we watch TV, and I remember I forgot to tell her what I said to Alex last night.
"By the way Cindy, I replied to Alex yesterday."
"Oh, and what did you write to him?"
"I agreed to get to know each other, and he invited me to go to the movies together that afternoon. I'm sorry I won't be able to come to the mall with you."
"No problem.  Honestly, I don't know what to think, on one hand I'm happy, but on the other hand I find it strange that you're going out with Alex."
"I feel the same way, so I'm not surprised at your reaction. I hope today goes well, and as a result I will consider whether I want to continue communicating with him or not."
A few hours pass and I start getting ready for my date with Alex.  I put on a short, black sweater, jeans, a long black knee-length coat and high-heeled boots.

01:03 PM
Right now I'm waiting for Alex in front of the dorm so we can go to the movies together.
I really hope he comes and doesn't leave me hanging, but we'll see.
After a while I see him coming my way and carrying a big bouquet of tulips. *I didn't know we were going to be so formal. At first I think, why not roses?  But come to think of it, I prefer tulips anyway, so I'm not complaining.*
"Hello Laura!" says Alex while handing me the bouquet.
"Hi, thanks for the flowers."
"You're welcome, shall we go?"
"Yes, come on."

We decide to walk to the cinema as it is not very far and the weather is very nice, one of the last warm and sunny days of the year.
We arrive at the cinema and buy two tickets for the movie we are going to see, as well as popcorn.
*Even though I agreed to go out, I still don't trust him, and I still think he's up to something behind my back.*
The movie ends and we both leave the lounge.
"Well, did you like the movie?" asks Alex.
"Yes, by the way, I've been wanting to watch it for a long time, but there was no one with me, since Cindy is not much into this genre of movies."
"I agree, horror movies are not for everyone.  Shall we go eat now?"
"Okay, let's go."

Tom's POV

Me, Steven and Rebecca are just leaving the movie theater when we see two familiar faces in the distance.
"Aren't those Laura and Alex?" Steven asks in amazement.
"I guess so, it's strange to me that they went out together, I thought they couldn't stand each other." answers Rebecca.
*What is he doing with Laura? Maybe he's secretly trying to get close to her?  But somehow, he doesn't even like her.  Unless I'm mistaken.*
"Tom, Tom?  Man, can you hear me? He froze as always!
"I hear you Steven, I just thought about something."
"Are we going to eat or not?"
"We will go, let's go."
*So Laura has time to hang out with Alex, but not me. Is this some kind of joke? If I want Laura and I to be more than friends, then I have to act fast before Alex takes her away from me.*

Laura's POV

I see Tom and his friends coming our way and my eyes widen. *What will he think of me, by seeing me with Alex?*
I turn around so he can't see me, but I guess it's already too late. He walks our way and Alex makes a sour face at him.

"Alex, Laura? How are you?" Tom asks.
"We were better before you came here." Alex yells.
"Hey calm down!" I tell him. "We're doing good Tom, thanks for asking." I whisper.
"Good to know, well have fun then." Tom responds while glaring at both of us.
*This can't possibly be good.* I think to myself.
Alex gets up and drags me out of here in anger.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I ask, turning around and seeing Tom and his friends, looking at us from a far.
"Let's go somewhere else, I don't want them around us?" He says.
"By them you mean our classmates? What is your problem?"
"I don't like the way Tom looks at you, okay?" Alex snaps.
"Listen, you and me are not a couple, so stop being so overly jealous!"
"Do you like him? Tell me honestly!" He says, looking straight in my eyes.
"It's none of your business! You know what this whole date was a mistake anyways!" I say, as I leave him dumbfounded.

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