#8 Chapter

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Laura's POV

10:03 AM
It's been over a week since Alex and I were on our so-called "date".
I haven't spoken to him since, despite his attempts for me to forgive him.
There were notes, messages, bouquets of flowers, boxes of candy and what not. But for me his behavior was simply inexcusable, he embarrassed me in front of my classmates and everyone else in the cinema. Right now I'm sitting on a bench on the roof as I do almost every lunchbreak waiting for Cindy to come back from the cafeteria so we can eat together. Although it's already November and the weather outside is quite chilly it's sunny, so I'm taking advantage of having breakfast in the *hopefully* fresh air.

Tom's POV
I'm in front of the buffet right now, waiting in line to buy something to eat.
Behind me I hear a rather familiar voice, but instead of turning around I decide to just perk up my ears.
"Why don't you try buying her something to eat? I don't know a girl who doesn't like to eat, especially if it's something sweet."
"I don't know Jake, if I get her something to eat too I won't have any money left for my breakfast." whispers Alex.
"Then get a box of juice for fifty cents, and you'll be good."
"Okay, that sounds more realistic."
Is Alex trying to apologize to Laura for the hundredth time? *This won't happen.*
"Hey Alex! You're here?" I exclaim, turning back.
"Obviously, what do you want now?"
"Well, don't be mean. The history teacher told me if I see you I should tell you to help her with some kind of presentation.
"Right? And why is she asking me?"
"I guess because she heard that technology is your strength.
"Okay, but I'll do it after school."
"No no, she said to go to her during lunchbreak."
"But I can't now, I have to do something important." explains Alex while the lunch lady hands him the two juices and the sandwich.
"Listen to me, you will go now! The teacher will call me, irresponsible later.  You even have two juices and you will give one to her, for a higher grade."
"But me, this juice..."
"Come on, boy!" I say while pushing Alex forward.
*God, God! This one is more stubborn than a donkey on a bridge.*
Turning around, I notice Steven giving me a disappointed look, so I quickly order two juices and dip. On the way to the roof I meet Cindy there too.
"Hey Cindy! Wait, I have to tell you something!"
"What's up Tom?"
"The headmistress saw me in the corridor and told me to tell you that she needs your help to organize this year's Christmas ball."
"Oh my God! Really? That's so exciting! Thank you for telling me, Tom. Bye!" She exclaimed and ran away, immediately.
*That was easy.* I quickly walk up the stairs so I can meet up with Laura.

Alex's POV

I knock on the door of our history cabinet, and then I slowly walk in.
After I have a talk with the teacher, it turns out that she's never asked Tom for my help, and that there was no presentation in the first place. Realizing the trick Tom just played on me, I run up the stairs to the roof.  I open the doors that lead to it and my eyes automatically go to Tom and Laura who are sitting on a bench and hugging.

Tom's POV

As Laura and I sit on the bench talking, I notice that she is shaking.
"We can go inside if you want to, I can tell that you are cold."
"No, there is no such thing, It's not cold at all." she answers with chattering teeth.
Since it is obvious that she's lying, I decide to wrap her up with my coat.
"Is that better?"
"Actually, yes," she says, laughing again.

Alex's POV

*What is this fool doing? Not him trying to get revenge on me, for the incident at the cinema!*
Out of anger, I don't realize I'm clutching one of the juice boxes in my hand, causing it to burst and juice to run down my shoes.
"Damn it!" I look down.
"What is this guy doing here?" asks Tom.
"I don't know, let's go, please." Laura answers.
They both get up from the bench and head towards the exit passing me like a street lamp.
*This definitely didn't go as planned, I guess it's time for me to tell her the truth, how much worse can it get?*

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