#10 Chapter

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Laura's POV

10:28 AM
Cindy and I got up a while ago and now we are getting dressed to go out. It's snowing outside, and if I'm not mistaken it must be the first snow of the season. Everything around us is white: the trees, the houses, as well as the cars, and the fog makes everything look even more incredible. I pack my backpack by adding a bottle of water and something to eat if I get hungry outside and go see if Cindy is also already prepared. I knock on her door and she answers me:
"Come in!" I am almost ready.
"Do you need help with anything?"
"No, no, I just have to get my phone and we're leaving."

10:56 AM
Cindy and I are waiting for Tom and Alex outside the school entrance.
"Ah, here they come." Cindy points forward.
"Hello!" Tom greets us.
"Hello Tom, and to you too Alex." I say back.
"Now to the bus stop?" asks Alex.
"Actually no, I have parked my car on the next street, we will go to the lake with it."
"I didn't know you drive a car." I say in amazement.
"Well, now you know." answers Alex instead of Tom.
"Um, anyway, let's go." Cindy prompts us.

"Not again!" complains Tom. The car can't start because of the snow, it's apparently stuck.
"Or you're just not a good driver?" - Alex doesn't miss the chance.
"Shut up Alex! You probably don't even know how to ride a bike." Tom yells.
Alex gets out and starts pushing the car from behind. Cindy and I are starting to do the same. After some time, the car starts to move.
"There we go! Get inside quickly!"
I sit on the front seat next to Tom and Cindy and Alex sit in the back.
"Not fair! Why do I have to sit next to him?"
"It's a pleasure for me too." Alex says while making an annoyed face.
"I guess you're not very lucky!" replies Tom and starts the car.

11:28 AM
"Wow, it's incredibly beautiful here!" I exclaim.
"Yes, right! I'm not sorry we all came here. Except for one person." says Tom, whispering the last part.
"Look, there is a gazebo, let's go and put on our skates there." Cindy calls out.
"Okay, let's go." I leave, and the others follow me. Tom brought us all skates since he had a lot at home. I didn't know, that he used to be a professional ice-skater when he was little. I'm learning something new about him everyday.

Alex's POV
Since I've been skating before and have experience I try to stay close to Laura in case she starts to fall. I notice that her movements are uncertain, so I offer her help.
"If you want to, hold on to my hand."
"No, there's no need, I'm doing fine for now." she snorts.
"Well, as you wish."
I step away for a second to circle around the pond, seeing Laura starting to slip.
Together with Tom, we simultaneously rush to catch her, but we bump into each other and as a result we both fall on our backs. Meanwhile, Cindy manages to grab Laura and help her back to her feet.
"Are you okay? It didn't hit somewhere, did it?"
"No, luckily for me, you caught me on time." replies Laura, laughing. I guess I'm the only one who can't skate on ice, so I understand.
"There's nothing wrong with that, you'll learn," says Tom as he stands up. Do you want me to help you.
"Okay, Mr. Ice prince." Laura responds, grabbing his hand.
*How wonderful! I feel like the third wheel.*
"Well, Cindy, if you want the two of us can skate together?"
"Maybe later." she answers sharply while turning to the other side.
*Why don't I just go home, there's no point in me staying here any longer. Perhaps I should just give up on Laura, it's obvious that the only reason why Tom agreed on me coming, was to show off his relationship with her.
While no one is looking my way, I decide to leave. I stop by the gazebo to change my shoes and hit the road. *I can't believe I thought I'd be able to get close to Laura. Cindy and Tom are right, I even suck at being a loser.*

Laura's POV
"I'm tired, can we sit on the gazebo?"
"Yes, of course!" Tom says.
"Where's Alex?" Cindy asks.
"I saw him here a while ago."
"Strange, maybe he went to the car to get something?" I wonder.
"No way, I locked it before we got here." answers Tom.
"Is it possible that he left?"
"How could he leave Cindy?! We are twenty minutes away from the city!" I'm starting to get nervous.
"Calm down, girls! Let's quickly get in the car and look for him. He's probably not too far away."

I feel a terrible sense of guilt.
*I shouldn't have been so cold to him. What if something happens to him now? I won't be able to forgive myself!*
"Cindy, you have his number, why don't you try calling him?" says Tom.
"Yes of course! Wait, his phone is off! Now what?"
"I don't know, I hope he didn't get lost, otherwise I just don't know what we will do." I say.
"Don't worry, I promise you that we will find him!" Tom reassures me.

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