#4 Chapter

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Eric's POV

01:11 AM
I'm lying on my back staring at the ceiling, the same words running through my head. "It doesn't matter you don't know him anyway."
*Actually I do know him, I know him very well, we're in the same class after all.* Laura still doesn't know who I am, and I don't plan on telling her anytime soon. If I tell her I'm sure she'll walk away from me and I won't let that happen for the world. I get out of bed and go to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. I'm also thinking of getting something to eat because it looks like it's going to be a long night.
*Apparently I won't sleep.*
Perhaps it would be best to ask one of my friends about how to open up about my feelings towards Laura. But it definitely won't be today.  I'm not ready for that yet.

Laura's POV

10:12 AM

t's lunchbreak, and since the weather is sunny and pleasant today, Cindy and I are eating on the roof of our school.  From here you can see the whole campus and the view is very beautiful.  All the other benches here are free, and Cindy and I are both talking in peace.

"How was yesterday at Tom's? What is your project about?"
"It went normally, nothing interesting happened to be honest. Our topic is about protecting the environment, so how do we promote recycling better."
"I see, I hope you can handle it, we are way behind with ours, sadly. Of course Alex refuses to help us with it in any way."
"I'm not surprised, by the way, as you mentioned Alex, we saw him yesterday when we were going to Tom's house."
"So, did he tell you something?"
"Yes, first he pushed Tom as we passed each other on the sidewalk, and then he refused to apologize to him, complaining that we were in his way."
"The nonsense on his part just never ends. I think I'd better talk to him today and tell him to shut up, otherwise we'll all get bad grades because of him!" Cindy grunts.
"Calm down, if he still acts the same way, we can just complain to the guidance counselor."

Cindy and I both get up from the bench and head to our PE class, which will be held outside. First we stop by the locker room to change into sports uniforms and off we go.
Arriving at the yard the first thing I see is a large net stretched between two poles.
*Just don't tell me we're going to play volleyball.*
"You will play volleyball!" shouts the physical education teacher. "Divide into two teams-boys and girls."
"No way, I hate volleyball, I can't even hit the ball hard enough to cross the net." I whisper under my breath.
"Good luck, Laura." Cindy tells me with a smile showing pity and sympathy.
"Luck? I'm going to need a miracle."
It's only been about 10 minutes since we've been playing and I already feel like trash. I want to lay down in the middle of the field and just fall asleep.  Looking around for a place to sit and rest I feel a ball hit me right on the head.
"Aww! Who did this?" I roar as I rub my head.
"It was Alex!" Nathan called in the distance.
"Alex, you bastard!" Cindy shouts as she picks up the ball that rolls to my leg.
"It wasn't on purpose!" explains Alex.  "Really, the wind just blew the ball in the wrong direction!"
"Shut up, you liar!" says Cindy, throwing the ball directly at Alex's head.
"Are you crazy? I told you it wasn't on purpose! Where is the teacher?" asks Alex, falling on the ground.
"Maybe she went to the restroom? I'm not sure." answers Lydia.
"When she comes back, I will complain about you Cindy!" threatens Alex.
"Do what you want! I've been waiting for a long time for the moment when I'll hit your head with something, even if it's little, just so you know."

At that moment we hear the teacher blowing her whistle.
"What is going on here?" I'll leave you alone for a few minutes, and you'll go against eachother. I only went to buy myself coffee.
"But miss..."
"Quiet, Alex! All of you go to the locker rooms, your class is over!"
*Finally, I felt like this class was never going to end.*

With an upbeat step, I skip to the dressing room as if I was going to the mall or a five-star restaurant. Even though I got hit in the head with a ball, I'm glad I'm finally done with PE for the day, and I can sleep through the next class, which is music.

01:04 PM
The bell rings, and everyone leaves the room. *Just one more class and we're done for today.*
As I walk down the hallway I see Tom heading towards me so I stop and greet him.
"Hey, Tom. What's wrong?"
"Hi, I just wanted to ask how are you, since Alex hit you on the head and I was worried about you."
"I'm fine, I'm fine, luckily for me, it didn't hit me too hard."
"I'm glad that everything is fine. In that case, we'll meet up again after school, right?"
"Yes, again at the same time, right?"
"Yes, yes, like yesterday."
"Well then, see you later!"

Alex's POV

*I'm contemplating how to apologize to Laura, I really didn't hit her on purpose after all, and, the whole thing with Cindy has made an effect on me, so let's not make things any worse.*
Leaving the classroom I notice her talking to Tom, and I refuse to go up to her.
*Now isn't the time, besides, what the hell are they even talking about?* I decide it's best to delay my apology for a bit, so I just walk past them and continue on my way.

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