#2 Chapter

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Eric's POV

02:12 PM
I'm just getting home from school when I realize I haven't texted Laura in two days. Yesterday was the first day of school and I want to ask her how it went. I quickly take my phone out of my pocket, and look to see if she has texted me first. After seeing that I don't have any new notifications, I chuckle quietly under my breath. *She never texts me first, out of fear of annoying me.* But she could never be more wrong, Laura can never annoy me. As I get on my train, on my way home, I write a message:

Eric: Hi, sorry I forgot to write to you lately, but I've been pretty busy with school.

*Luckily for me she answers me right away because she's on the phone all the time*

Laura: No problem, I'm sorry I didn't text you too, but I was worried that you might be uncomfortable and upset.

Eric: You know I have no problem with you texting me at 3 in the morning, right?

Laura: I know 😂😂 Don't be such a "cliché", I just don't want you to accidentally get tired of me.

Eric: I don't think that could ever happen 😂😌 Also, I want to ask you how was yesterday?

Laura: Normal I guess? Nothing interesting happened, except for the fact that Alex was once again acting arrogant as always.

Eric: I'm not surprised, but maybe he was emotionally affected by the first day of school, like you.

Laura: Don't make excuses for him, I don't think he can have any emotions other than arrogance and pessimism.

Eric: Maybe you're right too, who knows? 🤔 Well, I'll write to you later since I'm already arriving in front of my house, see you later.

Laura: Bye, Eric.

Laura's POV

I put my phone away and get to work on my English homework. Luckily for me, English is one of my strengths, but I don't rely on my past knowledge, I try to get only excellent grades in all my homework. At the same moment, Cindy bursts into my side of our shared dorm, which is separated by a wall and a door, respectively. "For God's sake, Cindy? What's going on?" I ask. "Do you remember that in English we have to do a project in groups, please answer me yes. " she says, in a loud voice. "What project, what groups?" I look at her confused. *Several seconds of rather awkward silence* "Are you serious, Laura? Didn't the teacher tell us today!" "It is possible, but I slept the whole class, so I had no way of knowing." I explain myself. "Well, stop sleeping in class, if I was sitting next to you instead of Steven, I would be watching you closely. " "There you see! It's the teacher's fault for separating us, blame her." I shout back.

Cindy slams the door and I stare blankly at the wall across from me. *Who does she think she is? Anyway, we both know I can't get mad at her about anything.* I decide to finally tackle the part of my English homework that I know about anyway and then I'll be fine I'm going to bed. And I will think about the infamous project tomorrow. *We ride at dawn.*

05:39 AM
I wake up before my alarm again, and I automatically go on my phone. The first thing my eyes go to is a notification saying that I have been added to a new group chat: "English language project group" Well, they even added me to the group related to the project, I don't know why Cindy was so worried last night that I forgot about him. *I wonder who's in my group?*

(English Project Group Participants: Laura Smith, Steven Roberts, Tom Adams, Rebecca Baxter)

*Nobody interesting.*
Although my alarm hasn't gone off yet, I get out of bed and start getting ready for school, as quiet as possible without waking Cindy up.

09:55 AM
It's raining outside and I'm trying to not fall asleep like I do in most classes, so I look at the clock in the classroom and think how in about 5 minutes we'll be in a lunchbreak. "Laura, did they add you to the group for our projects?" Cindy asks in a whisper. "Yes, and you?" "Me too, too bad we're not together."

The bell starts to ring, so Cindy and I get up from our seats and head to the cafeteria. On the way there, Tom and Steven start talking to us. "Hello Laura, Cindy," says Steven." "Hello to you too." I reply blankly. "Excuse me, Cindy, but can we talk with Laura alone?" asks Tom. "What are you going to talk about in private?" Cindy nags. "Most likely for the project for what else." I note. "Bingo!" exclaims Tom with a half smile as he snaps his fingers. "In my opinion, you can talk about that in my presence, but whatever." Cindy whispers and continues walking alone. "Well, what are your ideas related to the project?" I ask. "We're thinking of doing it at Tom's house tomorrow, after school." says Steven. "Alright then, that's okay with me." I respond. "I will send you the address later." Tom whispers.

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