#12 Chapter

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Alex's POV

As I walk around our school, I see Cindy sitting under the stairs. She seems lonely, so I decide to approach her.
"What are you doing here, alone?" I ask
"Just listening to music, do you want to make me company?" She offers one of her earphones.
"Sure, thanks." I take it, and sit next to her. "Didn't know that you like "The neighborhood" as well."
"Well, now you know. Now tell me why are you feeling so down?"
"I lost all of my chances with Laura, I'm sure she likes Tom instead." I scoff.
"Maybe it's for the better, who knows, what if you two weren't compatible?" She tries to comfort me.
"I don't care anymore, I guess I'm just meant to be heartbroken." I sigh, while looking down.
"Don't say that, even if you never end up with Laura, she really appreciates both of you. I'm sure she feels lucky to have you as her friends!" Cindy says.
"Are you sure?" I look up at her, with hope.
"Absolutely! You guys are two of a kind." She smiles warmly.

Tom's POV
04:16 PM

Almost the whole school is now in the assembly hall, and Alex and I are waiting for the girls.
*Should I text Laura, or is it still too early? Maybe she's still getting ready, I better wait a little longer.* Just then I see Laura and Cindy walk into the hall.
*Hello!* says Laura. Sorry that we are so late, but Cindy was curling her hair.
"You didn't have to say that."
"What about your hair?" Laura asks.
"It's not my fault that we're late, you never forget to complain about me."
"Oh, whatever." Laura replies as she watches Cindy look at her, with wide eyes.
"Let's take pictures in front of the Christmas tree!" Laura exclaims.
"Not you, sneakily changing the subject, shame on you." Cindy replies and walks towards the Christmas tree with a sulky face.

Laura's POV
05:58 PM
So far, we've been dancing the whole time and I'm pretty tired, *I'm not the most energetic after all* so now I'm sitting at the table looking at my phone (as always). At that moment Tom sits down right next to me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm just tired from dancing, how about you?"
"Me too, do you want me to get you something to drink?"
"Yes please." I smile widely.
"Any preferences or it doesn't matter?"
"Choose whatever you like."
Tom goes to get drinks, and returns with two glasses of juice in his hands.
"Woah, juice." I say, laughing.
I remember when he brought me juice on the roof.
"And from your favorite strawberry chocolate."
"You still remember!" I respond.
"Of course, how can I ever forget? By the way, did you try the cake?"
"What?! Is there a cake?"
"Yes, didn't you know?"
"No, where is it, show me!" I look around.
"Tom points his finger at the huge chocolate cake, that sits on a stand right in front of the table."
"Oh wow, I wonder how I didn't notice it until now."
"You are always in your head, sometimes I wonder what you think about all day."
"For all kinds of stuff, if I have to be completely honest, I have to try to change this bad habit, to hover constantly in the clouds."
"It won't be a bad habit if the thing you thought about all day is me." he says while laughing.
"I'm thinking about you too, don't worry, after all, you and I have become quite close friends, in the last few months." I say confidently, knowing how he will react.
"Friends? Do you only see me as a friend?" he asks in amazement.
"At least for now." I reply with a smile.

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