11) Thestrals

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The next morning, Theo was waiting for me in the common room as promised. We walked together to breakfast, a slight flirty awkwardness between us.
Breakfast was eaten, then at 8.30 we left to walk down to Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures.

"So, Magical creatures. Ever had any interesting ones?" I wonder, half stumbling down the dewy hill.

"They've been alright I suppose. Last year we had a Hippogriff and Flesh eating slugs" Theo recalls.

"Wow, slugs." Draco repeated sarcastically. "Pathetic creatures. This lesson is always a complete joke. It's even worse with Hagrid teaching it"

Blaise looks at his feet, chucking "Malfoy here's just bitter 'cause Buckbeak scratched him"

Draco turned around, screwing up his face as though Blaise was talking a load of rubbish. Obviously he was not impressed that it had been brought up.

"What was Buckbeak?" I ask through a smirk.

"Oh. He was the Hippogriff"  Blaise continues.

"Bloody stupid chicken, thats what he was" Draco retaliates angrily.

Hagrid had led the class into the forbidden forest, much to Draco's disgust.
I however, found it very interesting.
It was my first time exploring the grounds of Hogwarts and I thought the forest was incredible. We all knew that many frightening creatures lived within, but here in the daytime it was lovely. Crisp fresh air and autumn sun.

"Right then you lot" Hagrid begins "These 'ere are Thestrals. Not the prettiest creatures but they're dead clever. Now watch where you're walking. I know not all of you are able to see them"

"What's the point of us being here then" Blaise mutters to Draco.
I get the impression that he and Draco were a lot more alike before he starting dating Pansy.

Hagrid looks over at the herd. It was obvious to me, but to some it appeared as though he were just staring through the trees.

"Anyone know why that would be? Why not all of you can see them?" Hagrid challenges.
"Ah! Hermione"

"Thestrals are only visible to those that have witnessed death. Many believe they are a bad Omen" Hermione recites, her knowledge impressive but slightly patronising.

"You're a bad omen" Draco mumbles under his breath, earning sniggers from the others.

"That's right Hermione! Very well done" Hagrid smiled through his unkept beard, patting his round belly.

He went on to introduce the Thestrals further, telling us about their diets, lifespan, and legends that 'could in fact be true'.
Eventually he stopped talking and encouraged us to interact with the creatures.
Some students stepped forward immediately sticking out their hands to touch the Thestrals' charcoal skin.
Others - like ourselves, hung back to talk and avoid taking part.

"They're beautiful" I breathe, observing the animals.

"Wait, you can see them?" Pansy asked gently. "That means that..."

She stopped. We all knew what it meant.

"Who was it Aurelia?" Daphne questions, voicing what all the others were thinking. "Only if you want to tell us"

"It was my parents"

As fascinating as the Thestrals were, there wasn't really much for us to actually do throughout the lesson. Hagrid was mostly allowing us to look at them - well those that could see them.

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