CHAPTER NINE - November 2171 - Earth

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Two Jeeps rumbled along the dirt-track road kicking up dust as they went. They were on their way to the only farm down there. A truck going in the opposite direction skidded to a stop when the first Jeep pulled up at an angle to block its progress.

"What the ell ya doin," said the driver of the truck, in a slightly raised voice, as he stepped down from the cab, waving his arms in the air. "I got cattle in back and I gotta be careful wit em. Ya make me stop suddenly. I'll ave to check em." He moved to the back of the truck, mumbling under his breath.

"That's good, sir," said one of the SF soldiers. "We were going to ask you to do that anyway."

The angry farmer paused at the catches on his back door and looked at the soldier. "Why's that en?"

"We are looking for stolen Space Federation property and are searching every lorry, farm-house, business, shop, garage," the soldier leaned closer to the farmer. "No exceptions."

"Unless ya got a court order ya ain't lookin in ere sonny."

"We don't need a court order. We have these," the soldier extended his rifle towards the farmer.

"Ya don't frighten me sonny. I know me rights."

As the soldiers were about to physically restrain the farmer, Captain Turner strode up and signalled for the soldiers to stand down.

"Sir. I'm Captain Turner of the Space Federation. I can assure you that we do have permission to search anywhere we want. I suggest you let us search your truck and we'll be on our way."

The farmer looked at him and shrugged. "Go ead en but I'll be complainin to me councillor." He began opening the catches.

"As will many citizens – I'm sure," replied the captain.

"I'll do this myself, soldier," said Captain Turner, holding out his hand. The soldier handed over his Etherall detector and stood back from the truck.

Captain Turner climbed in the back and turned the sound down on the detector then switched it on. He tried to walk forwards but the cows were too tightly packed in. The Etherall detector's lights changed from red to green which meant that there was Etherall present, but he ignored the lights. He switched it off again and turned the sound back up. He jumped down from the truck and handed the detector back to the soldier.

"Nothing here," he turned his attention back to the farmer. "You may go about your business."

The farmer, who had seemed agitated, visibly relaxed. He climbed into the back and patted one of the cows.

"Let's go," ordered Captain Turner.

All the soldiers got back in their Jeeps and carried on towards the farm.


"Right, that's the last one. Close it up," said David.

"What about these?" asked Steve, pointing towards the last of the Etherall.

"We load as many as we can into the cars and leave the rest. I really don't think we have very long."

David's attention was diverted from Steve as one of his spotters came running towards them.

"David, I mean, Mr Tressel sir," he paused for breath. "They're here," he half-turned and pointed down the road. "They've stopped Trevor's truck and are searching it now."

"Right, Peter. Round up the others and get out of here," he looked at Steve. "Get as many workers as you can and load the Etherall into the cars."

"Okay, David. I'll get right on it," Steve set off for his car.

GALAXY AT WAR   -   Book 1   -   The Tranchillion EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now