CHAPTER FOURTEEN - December 2171 - Anthera

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After four days of fighting, Colonel Dowdneer was undoubtedly winning. His victory seemed inevitable, but Neil was determined not to lose his only real ally amongst the tranchillions.

He was running as fast as he could with Colonel Twochelope draped over his shoulder. The original unit of six soldiers accompanying him were now reduced to three. It had been a hard fight to retrieve the colonel from the medical bay.

A laser blast hit the wall above his head and Neil sank to one knee as he pointed his pistol in the direction the shot had come from. He fired twice then forced himself back to his feet and continued, trying to keep up with the three tranchillions in front of him. One of them stopped and turned as he crouched behind some cover. He took out two more of their pursuers then threw a grenade down the corridor. It hit the wall and disappeared around the corner.

The soldier stood and ran after Neil as the explosion from the grenade ripped apart some more of the ship's walls. Ahead of Neil, one of the soldiers took a shot in the shoulder and dropped his rifle. The soldier next to him took out the threat and was kneeling beside him covering the front. Neil stopped next to the downed soldier and looked at the wound.

"You'll make it soldier. Now on your feet, we need to get out of here," Neil encouraged him to stand. The injured soldier struggled to his feet, holding his shoulder, before reclaiming his rifle with his two left arms. His shoulder was painful, but it was nothing that couldn't be fixed.

"Can you shoot straight with your left?" asked Neil.

"I'll do my best, sir."

Neil lowered Colonel Twochelope from his shoulder and said, "You carry him on your left side and let me worry about the enemy." He lifted the colonel onto the injured soldier's shoulder, who winced slightly as he took the weight, then took his weapon. Neil now held a rifle with his top pair of hands and two pistols in his bottom pair. They moved on with not far to go now.

They came to a point where two corridors crossed. After the first soldier passed the junction Neil saw movement on both sides of him. The ambush was sprung, and Neil fired in both directions wasting only three shots.

The soldier carrying the colonel rushed past and the third soldier caught up with Neil. They both ran after the others.

Neil dropped one of his grenades before he turned the last corner in the sprint for the safety of the bunker. One pursuing tranchillion appeared and fired one shot before the grenade exploded, tearing him to shreds.

"Nearly there!" shouted Neil. They could see the open bunker door ahead of them. They were the last of the loyal tranchillions left that had any chance of making it there. After they were through, the general would order the door closed but there was no choice. They were losing too many people and the general had decided to make a stand at the bunker.

The heavily armoured door closed behind them. For the time being they were safe as there was no weapon powerful enough to penetrate it. The injured soldier was led over to the medical equipment and Colonel Twochelope was carried over to a bed in the medical area. Hopefully rest was all he needed.

Neil sought out General Zemorphoride. He stopped in front of him and saluted. The general looked up from the list he was reading.

"You made it back with Colonel Twochelope?"

"Yes, sir. He seems to be fine. Just needs some rest, sir."

"Did we lose any more men, major?"

"Three were killed and one injured, sir."

"At least we got Colonel Twochelope back," he paused then held up the list. "This list. How accurate do you think it is?"

"Very accurate, sir. There were only ten people we weren't sure about and that was only because we ran out of time. Lt Carphide is checking off the list as we speak so we'll soon know how many are left."

GALAXY AT WAR   -   Book 1   -   The Tranchillion EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now