CHAPTER THIRTEEN - December 2171 - Resolve / Ganymede

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The community lounge on board the star-ship Resolve was bustling with people. It appeared that everyone, not on duty, had decided to come down at the same time. Lisa sat at her table, handed John his drink, then ruffled his bleached blonde hair.

John had been watching her advance towards them and smiled, his green eyes twinkling. "Thanks."

"Andrew's on his way," she said before taking a sip of her beer. "I think he's eyeing up the ladies."

Keith looked for Andrew and saw him talking to a brunette with shoulder length hair and a surprisingly dark tan. Andrew bent forwards slightly and said something in her ear and Keith saw her smile.

"Hey, Andy. Get over here with my drink instead of chatting up all the women," called Keith. Andrew looked round and said something else to her. She nodded and laughed then followed him over to their table.

"Give me my drink you sex pest," Keith joked as Andrew put his brother's drink on the table. He looked at the girl and said, "Watch him honey. He's a terrible flirt."

She smiled at Keith.

"Hey, grab a light bulb bro," said Andrew. "This is Roxanne. Is it all right if she joins us?"

Everyone at the table welcomed her, and Andrew relieved the table next to them of one of its chairs. They sat down. "Now, what are we talking about?" he asked.

Andrew, at thirty-one, was four years younger than his brother and looked the most like their father. He had black hair, brown eyes and was clean-shaven with a slim, athletic build.

"We were just talking about the last mission. There was hardly anything to it and we had to miss the concert because of it. I'm not happy," said Lisa pretending to pout.

"There will be other concerts, Lisa," said John.

She glared at him. "I've not been to one for ages and who knows when we'll get another chance."

"Yeah, we could all be dead tomorrow," said John.

That remark earned him a slap from Lisa. "You're terrible, John. But I love you." They kissed and when they parted John had a smile on his face.

"Has anyone heard where we're going next?" asked Andrew.

"I talked to the captain earlier," said Keith. "Apparently, there's been some trouble on Ganymede, so we're headed back there again."

"Did he say what sort of trouble?" asked John.

"No, and I didn't ask, but I'm sure we'll find out tomorrow."

Roxanne spoke up, changing the subject. "You're Neil Bolgon, aren't you?"

Keith fixed his gaze on her and said, "Yes. Yes I am."

Roxanne smiled and pulled the top of her uniform down slightly. "Can you sign my shoulder please?"

"Oh my god. Another one," said John. "You should have been a rock star or a footballer." He passed Keith the pen they kept for just this sort of occasion.

Keith leaned forward and wrote, 'To Roxanne love Neil Bolgon', then signed it underneath, being careful not to use his own name.

"Don't wash for another couple of hours and it should last you years," he said.

Andrew butted in. "Hey, do you mind. I've only just asked you out."

Roxanne looked at Andrew and smiled. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Two of my girlfriends have got a 'Neil Bolgon' message written on them and I saw an opportunity."

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