CHAPTER FIVE - November 2171 - The Moon

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"How can you even suggest making a full-scale assault? We don't know if they're indigenous or if they crashed there," argued Michael Toddwell with one of the other strategists mulling over proposed battle plans against Anthera.

"They can't be indigenous. Anthera's too far away from the sun. It can't support life."

"As far as we know. What if an alien race has developed the technology to sustain life wherever they see fit?"

The strategist shook his head and decided to move past that point. "So, you're suggesting we send a small survey team to Anthera to find out what we're up against; is that right?"

"I'm not suggesting anything yet. But that would make more sense than risking our entire military force against an unknown enemy. If they are indigenous, then they control Anthera. If they have crashed there then they'll be localised to one area."

"The informant said it was just one crashed mothership we're dealing with."

"That's if we can trust her. I'm still sceptical. I think we need to be sure of the forces we're up against before we go in," said Toddwell.

"What if we send in this small force and they get killed before they can send a message back."

"That would obviously have been wasteful. And, like I've already said, I'm not suggesting anything like that yet. We must exhaust all avenues of attack before we commit to any one suggestion."

"If only we could talk to the captured aliens and get one of them to tell us what we need to know."

"That would be nice but..." Michael paused. Another idea had struck him. "That psychic. Perhaps she could read the minds of the tranchillions for us. Plus, I'd be more inclined to believe her story if she managed it."

"If she can that would definitely help, but they don't speak our language so how would she translate what she heard?"

"I thought you didn't trust her," said another strategist. "If so, why do you keep using the name she gave them?"

"One name's as good as any other. It's better than saying 'alien' all the time," replied Toddwell. "We'll have to think some more about this. Carry on with your plans and I'll get to work on finding a way for the psychic to understand tranchillion." Michael left the room and headed for General Bolgon's office.


Michael arrived at the outer office and entered. He walked up to the secretary's desk and smiled.

"Hello Mr Toddwell. The general is in. I'll see if he's available," she picked up her phone. "Michael Toddwell to see you, sir," she paused as she listened to the response. "Okay, sir," she replaced the receiver. "You may go in, Mr Toddwell."

"Thank you," he replied as he walked towards the office door. The secretary pressed the release button on her desk. The door slid open as he approached and closed automatically behind him. He walked up to the desk and saluted.

"Sir," he said as he stood to attention in front of General Bolgon.

The general returned the salute and gestured for his friend to sit down. They had an agreement that, after the formalities were out of the way, they would do away with formal talk. No more saluting, no more 'sir'.

"So, have you come up with anything interesting yet?" he asked.

"There are a few conflicting ideas, and all of them need additional information gathering before they can become viable. That's why I'm here, Jim."

GALAXY AT WAR   -   Book 1   -   The Tranchillion EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now