PROLOGUE - March 2169 - Transporter 13

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  • Dedicated to Sam Lakin

Author's Note :- This novel has now been published and is now available to buy on Amazon and directly through CreateSpace. It is available as a paperback (the more expensive of the two options) and on Kindle.

Thank you.


Panic was spreading within the transporter. As it lurched sideways chief stewardess, Jennifer Bolgon, stumbled, causing her to fall hard on her left knee. She managed to pull herself upright and activate the passenger address system. Her face appeared on screens throughout the transporter.

"Everyone, try to remain calm." She wasn't feeling calm herself, but she needed to keep some semblance of control of the people in her care. "We are under attack and heading back to Moonstation. The star cruisers are out there defending us. I need everyone to put on your helmets which are in the backrest of the seat in front of you." Jennifer knew that, due to panic, some of the passengers would need reminding of the safety instructions she had recited before take-off. "They're self-moulding. Place them on your head and the helmet does the rest. I repeat, please remain calm so we can get everyone off quickly and safely – thank you." She switched off the PAS then made her way carefully towards the passengers.

The transporter took a direct hit on its engines and another on the communication array which shook it violently causing Jennifer to fall again. The lights dimmed and flickered, then went out completely. The sudden darkness caused adult screams to join the already crying children, then the lights blinked back on and Jennifer saw a small girl, around seven years old, stumbling over the various people sliding about on the floor. She must have already taken at least one tumble as she had tears running down her cheeks and a large bump on her right temple.

Jennifer reached out for the girl who clung to her. "Where's your mummy?"

The girl shook her head, saying nothing and tightened her grip. Jennifer pulled two helmets out of the nearest emergency cupboard and slid the first one over the girl's head then secured her own. By now it was almost impossible to stand as the pilot was fighting the controls just to keep the transporter moving in the right direction.

Jennifer, still holding the frightened girl, managed to look out of a porthole and saw they were closing in on Moonstation. The moon glowed in the background beyond the space station. As the transporter levelled out Jennifer carried the girl over to the exit. She noticed her colleagues directing passengers towards her and she prayed that the docking light would soon turn green.

"We're going to be all right. Try not to worry about your mummy. We'll get everyone off safely."

The girl nodded with tears still streaming down her face inside the helmet. The next five minutes seemed like five hours to Jennifer until she heard, and felt, the familiar clank of the magnetic clamps hold the transporter in position. The docking light turned green and she pressed the door release button. The door slid open and Jennifer, carrying the girl, hurried down the exit corridor using the see-through wall to support her injured knee. She looked around trying to spot their attackers but all she could see was Moonstation and the star-filled blackness of space. The rest of the passengers followed close behind.

She was half-way down the corridor when she heard an explosion behind her. She turned to look and saw two alien fighters flash past. Then the fire from the exploding transporter rushed down the corridor to engulf everyone in a fiery death. The corridor collapsed under the strain and heat of the explosion. What was left of the transporter and corridor drifted away from the space-station. The flames were extinguished as the air was sucked into the vacuum of space.


General Bolgon had took control of the situation himself. He was in the control room of Sentry One staring at the various screens in front of him. His mouth formed a thin line.

"They're starting to fall back. Keep the pressure on them."

"Sir!" One of the soldiers monitoring the screens interrupted from behind the general.

"What is it soldier?"

"They are attacking the transporters, sir."

"I thought they were out of range."

"All but one, sir. It turned back when the battle started."

"Get them some cover."

"I have already given the order, sir," the soldier was having trouble meeting the general's gaze.

"What's wrong?"

"Sir. It's the transporter. It's the one Mrs Bolgon's on, sir."

General Bolgon's eyes widened. "What! Are they in trouble?"

"They've taken a few hits. The star cruisers have engaged the enemy now which is helping but they are still attacking the transporter."

Send extra fighters there right now!" It was the first time in a long while that he had lost his cool during an operation. But his wife was on that transporter.

He watched the screens, focusing more on the battle swarming in the vicinity of Moonstation. It didn't look good for the transporter. His experience told him that it didn't have much chance.

"Where are those fighters!"

"They're seconds away, sir."

One of the comms channels died. Static was all they were receiving now.

No. What am I going to tell the children, thought the general. It was transporter 13's comm channel that had gone down. He strode over to the observation window to look at Moonstation. He could see the battle raging and raised his binoculars to his eyes. The battle was still too far away to see properly but he could make out the space station.

General Bolgon drew in a short, sharp breath as he saw an explosion next to Moonstation. He lowered the binoculars and hurried back to the monitors. "Anything?"

"Transporter 13 is gone, sir. The bastards blew it up."

General Bolgon paled. He fought to remain in control of himself, but he was losing the struggle. He strode out of the control room. "Captain, you have the room," he managed before leaving. He could feel the tears welling. He could feel a tightness in his throat. It wouldn't do to show weakness in front of his troops. He had to get away before he collapsed in a useless heap. His life had just changed, forever.

Author's Note:   Chapter One will follow shortly.

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