CHAPTER FIFTEEN - December 2171 - The Moon

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Author's note :-  On some mobiles, writing I have written in Italics has appeared on screen in bold type instead. And writing (Only chapter headings) written in bold have appeared in Italics. As I use Italics for charachters thoughts this does look a little weird in bold with no 'speach marks'. Please bear that in mind as you read if your reading device is effected in this way -  Thank you.

General Bolgon, accompanied by five people, marched towards the docking bay. The doors slid open as they approached, and the general returned the salute from both guards on duty.

"John, take Suzanne with you to the interview room and wait for us there," said General Bolgon as they entered the docking bay. John Stillson and Suzanne Cox left the group.

The general, Michael Toddwell and two armed guards carried on towards the docked starship Resolve. Several of the crew were already on the hanger floor going through the usual checks and Jim could see Keith and his son walking down the ramp.

As Jim drew closer, he also noticed a female soldier, in handcuffs, being led to the interview rooms. He didn't let his attention wander for long and looked back towards the soldiers exiting the ramp.

The general acknowledged the salutes as he stepped in front of Keith, Andrew, John and Lisa.

"Report to interview room one," he said. They all turned to their left and marched towards the interview room in single file. Jim looked back up the ramp and saw Captain Meade at the top. As usual he was the last off his starship. The captain noticed General Bolgon waiting for him at the bottom of the ramp and, accompanied by 2nd Lt Ryan Ross, walked down it. They stopped in front of the general and saluted.

"How did it go, captain?" asked Jim.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" asked Daniel Meade.

"Once we're in private, captain," replied Jim.

"In that case, sir. The mission was a success."

"Good. Now let's get to the interview room and discuss what happened," he paused. "Who was the female soldier in cuffs, captain?"

They started walking towards the interview rooms. "We're not sure. All we know is that she wasn't supposed to be aboard the Resolve, sir."

"A stowaway, captain. How on earth did that happen?"

"I'm sure we'll find out, sir. But we were reluctant to interrogate her without your permission."

"We'll talk about this in private as well," they stayed silent the rest of the way to the interview rooms.

Suzanne and John stood as the general entered the room. Once everyone was in and settled the general commenced with the interview.

"Okay, captain. You wanted to speak freely. Go ahead."

"You also said in private," replied the captain, looking at Suzanne.

Jim followed Captain Meade's gaze. "Suzanne is our official reporter. There is nothing you cannot say in her presence."

Suzanne smiled at Captain Meade. "I'm being made to be a good little girl. Don't worry about me."

He smiled back then looked towards General Bolgon. "All right then, sir. Why did you send us out against those thieves? It was obvious we wouldn't get there on time. We ended up with a brief visit being asked questions, which we couldn't answer, by the colonists and then, finally, we're sent to Ganymede to become a travelling morgue. Both duties could have been handled by a much smaller starship and at less expense."

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