CHAPTER FOUR - November 2171 - Mars - Etherall Mining Facility

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Captain Turner looked down from his vantage point, in the control room set high in the canyon wall, watching trucks carefully picking their way across the dusty surface of Mars, bringing Etherall back to his starship.

The mining of Etherall is an ongoing operation which continues through the night. It is brought up from the mines and stored in warehouses ready for when a starship comes to take it away.

"I'm going to get some sleep now. If something important needs to be brought to my attention let Lieutenant Warner know," he returned the salute offered him and left. The mining officer watched Captain Turner disappear then resumed his duties.


A large silver truck loaded with Etherall slowly trundled towards the Spirit. It moved into position under the cargo hold, ready to offload the 500 crates it carried. A dozen men climbed up to the top of the neatly stacked crates and took hold of the hooks that had been lowered towards them. Each one attached their hook, to the base on which the crates sat, and then moved away. The team leader held up his hand, in a thumbs-up sign, signalling to the winch operator. The slack was slowly taken up and the straps tightened then the crates started rising. They spun slightly, and swung a little, as they were lifted upwards into the waiting starship.

Inside the mine, three more trucks were being loaded. One truck was nearly full and would be ready to move within the next ten minutes.

A shadow moved on the far wall then another followed. The two men had stealthily worked their way this far without being seen. They also had two more accomplices on their opposite flank and another two towards the rear of the mine.

The two at the rear entered the security room and fired off two sleeping darts. Both security guards slumped to the floor and one of the men disabled the alarm system. They changed into the security uniforms of the unconscious guards and locked the door behind them. They walked to the truck and one of them looked at the export documents thrust into his hand by the mining officer. After signing them he gave the clipboard back and the mining officer checked the documents himself then moved on to the next truck.

The other four trespassers had also taken down their targets and were now dressed in mining uniforms. All six of them got into the truck. No one had noticed the two dressed as security get in. They seemed to be getting away with it so far. The truck pulled out of the loading bay and started on its way towards their starship.


Lieutenant Warner was overseeing the loading of the last few trucks himself and was busy talking to a pair of miners. He stretched his arms upwards and moved his head from side to side. His neck felt stiff and he didn't like wearing his space-suit. He was used to dress-uniform as he spent most of his time inside the Spirit, on various missions, or in Sentry One.

He looked around taking in the magnificent scenery of the red rock faces that surrounded him and sighed at the sight. He never failed to be impressed by this planet's landscape and the sun was also an amazing sight to behold when reflected with the red tinge of the Martian lands that surrounded him.

He noticed a flash of light in the distance and diverted his attention towards it. He gestured to the nearest soldier. "Hand me your binoculars."

The soldier removed them from his belt and placed them in the outstretched hand of Lt Warner. The binoculars were specially designed to fit up to the visor of his helmet. He adjusted the focus and frowned. He lowered them slightly and squinted into the distance. Then he spotted the light again and raised the binoculars once more. He saw a vehicle but couldn't quite make it out, so he adjusted the focus a little more and increased the magnification again then he saw it. One of their trucks was heading in the wrong direction.

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