CHAPTER TWELVE - December 2171 - Anthera

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"It's been two days Marsup. Two days since I gave the order. What's going on?" said Colonel Dowdneer.

"I've selected Lieutenant Carphide. She should be the easiest to break, sir. But she's always with Major Xenorphide," replied Lt Col Maverphoride.

"Pick them both up then. And don't call him major. He doesn't deserve the promotion."

"Sorry, sir. Slip of the tongue. I have thought of picking them both up, but I think that Colonel Twochelope would raise the alarm within a day of them going missing, sir."

"Then take him as well, Marsup. I need to find out what's going on with those three."

"Okay, sir. If you're sure."

"Of course I'm sure. We'll start the take-over as soon as questions are asked about any of them. It's still a little early but my hand's being forced. Despite all my carefully laid plans they've still managed to suspect me, and I can't figure out how."

"I'll get right on it, sir."

Colonel Dowdneer dismissed Lt Col Maverphoride with a wave of his hand and resumed reading the report from Lt Mourneer. Finally, something seemed to be going right. He'd found three caves large enough for his followers and with a few months of drilling, all three could be joined together via tunnels.

Colonel Dowdneer sat back in his chair. It was just a shame that the only thing that seemed to be going right was the back-up plan.

The two new recruits seemed to be fine as well. He was glad that he hadn't had to kill them. It was always such a waste when they defied him.


Colonel Twochelope sat at his desk and waited for the knock on his door. He'd seen the arrival of Lt Mourneer in his, newly installed, secret camera above the office door.

"Come in."

His door opened and in walked, a nervous looking, Lt Mourneer. "You wanted to see me, sir."

"Sit, lieutenant," said Colonel Twochelope as he indicated the chair in front of his desk. "It has come to my attention that you've been breaking rules, lieutenant."

"Really, sir. What rules?"

"Driving a rover without back-up. Why were you out there on your own, lieutenant?"

"I needed to get away for a while and I fancied a drive – you know – to be on my own."

"Bullshit, lieutenant. I saw you. What were you examining the mountains for?"

Lt Mourneer visibly cringed at the question and started looking around for an escape route.

"Answer me, lieutenant or I will hand this conversation over to the general and his favourite interrogator."

"I can't say, sir. I really can't."

"And why is that lieutenant?"

"Because he'll kill me, sir."

"Who lieutenant? Who will kill you?"

"I can't tell you that either, sir. He has too many followers. I'll be killed."

"You're an officer in the emperor's army, lieutenant. You swore an oath to protect Tranchilite's citizens from harm. Hell, we both did. If this person continues, where do you think he will stop. He's killed people, lieutenant. I can stop it from happening, but I need you to tell me who. I can't protect you if you don't give me a name."

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't tell."

Colonel Twochelope changed his approach. "I know it's Colonel Dowdneer. I also know he has roughly five-hundred soldiers in his pocket. I know that he's going to attempt a take-over soon. He won't stop there, lieutenant. He'll eventually get back to Tranchilite with all opposition here crushed. He can make up any story he likes to whoever rescues us. The government on Tranchilite will be overthrown and all remaining tranchillions will be forced to fight, and conquer, every race of aliens they come across."

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