Part 9: wasteland, baby!

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A/N: I wrote half of this drunk in an uber on the way home last night and edited it today. Enjoy, besties!

CW: Slight degradation kink (I'm so sorry to my mom, God, feminism, and society), hate sex, rough sex, slapping, hair pulling, dirty talk, choking, slight daddy kink. May God have mercy on my soul after this.

When she gets out into the living room, he's sitting on the chair, still in his underwear, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His thick, tattooed thighs are the first thing she sees as he sits with his legs wide apart, his hard cock visible through his navy blue briefs.

She's fucking freezing, but she doesn't care. She's mad - steam coming out of her ears kind of mad; flames licking the inside of her belly kind of mad. It's been a long time since she's felt rage like this, and the kind of deprivation between her thighs that makes her want to weep.

Eden stomps toward him, still in her underwear. She's stamped through broken glass and she's pretty sure the bottom of her foot has a cut in it, but she's too furious to care right now. Bucky looks up at her and grins. She can't stand it. Eden winds her arm back, and cracks him across the face again. His cigarette remains firmly tucked between his lips and he looks back at her with a predatory smirk spreading across his face.

"Doll, you keep hittin' me like that and it just makes me harder," he purrs, palming at his hard cock. Eden isn't sure if the sight of it makes her furious, or makes her ache for him.

Maybe both.

"SHUT UP!" She roars, hitting him again. He barely flinches. His cheeks are bright red from three slaps. "What the fuck was that back there?!"

"Sex," he replies plainly, sucking on his cigarette and blowing out a cloud of smoke. "Well, sort of. It was more of a power play."

His tongue darts across his bottom lip. His lips look so fucking soft and so fucking kissable. She's never hated someone and felt so attracted to them in her life. It's that kind of attraction that makes her feel out of control, and even more angry because all she can think about is how he left her hanging back there.

And that kiss. Chaotic, angry, and so fucking hot. It was a perfect reflection of their energy. Eden felt like she couldn't breathe in the best way possible.


"You have to stop lying to yourself, princess." He gets to his feet, crushing his cigarette in the ashtray. "And we have to stop lying to each other."

"I'm not lying." Her voice is small and meek, nothing like her ferocious stance - legs apart, eyes narrowed, reading to pounce on him and beat the shit out of him... or do something else.

He laughs, shaking his head.

"You think you're so fucking clever, Klein." His lips hover just above hers. "You don't feel this between us? This tension? It's just been getting worse. Radio said we're in for another week of snow. And you can't hide from me in here."

He's right. She always hates when he's right. Eden swallows hard, her heart thumping violently. She's shaking, and she tries to hide it by clenching her fists. Bucky has complete control of the situation and it's quickly spiralling into something she's not sure either of them are going to come back from unscathed. This is what she was afraid of as she laid awake in her bed before she left before the airport. It's all she could think about when she was brushing her teeth and drinking her coffee that morning. She loathes him, and yet, all she wants is to feel his skin against hers... and to feel what that metal arm can do.

"Because you're being–"

"An asshole," he purrs. "You've said that. I'm fully aware of what I am."

"You're fucking insufferable," she spits.

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