Part 7: cupid's chokehold

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Summary: Bucky and Eden fly to New York and encounter a snag in their plan to track down Rumlow.

CW: Masturbation.

She's exhausted and her head is still swimming from the alcohol. She can't get the sensation of Bucky's lips on her skin out of her mind. Every time she closes her eyes, she hears herself moaning his name, and that feral growl that erupted from his throat makes her bite down hard on her lip. She shakes her head as she puts her key in her apartment door and opens it quietly. Wanda is asleep on the couch in her pajamas with a bowl of popcorn in her lap and a full bottle of wine resting on the coffee table. Her glass is half full.

"Oh, Wands..." Eden sighs, kicking off her shoes.

She waited up for Eden. What a sweetheart, Eden thinks to herself. She walks over to Wanda and runs her fingers through her friend's hair.


Wanda wakes up with a soft gasp.


"You passed out," Eden laughs. "You good?"

Wanda rubs her eyes and yawns.

"Oh, shit." She laughs. "I don't even think I got to finish my movie, or my wine."

Most of the popcorn is still in the bowl. Eden chuckles. She works herself ragged. By the time she comes home after a 12 or 15-hour shift, she's dead on her feet. Eden walks around the couch and holds out both arms.

"Come on, I'm putting you to bed."

Wanda sighs, puts the popcorn bowl to the side and grabs Eden's hands, letting her help her to her feet. They stumble to Wanda's room.

"How was the party?"

"Bucky shot Peter Quill in the knee."

Wanda's eyes go wide.


"And I have to go to New York tomorrow morning. I don't know for how long."

Wanda shakes her head and waves her hand in the air.

"Wait, why did Bucky shoot Peter in the knee? I feel like you're skipping half a book here..."

"You know how Peter and I used to... I don't know what you'd call it."

"I know he tried to kill you," Wanda replies.

"Yeah, well... Bucky found out about that, and then Peter saw Bucky and I together. He was drunk–"

"What a surprise," Wanda sighs as she flops onto her bed.

Eden shrugs.

"I guess Bucky did me a favor."

"Maybe he likes you."

Eden rolls her eyes, but the prospect of it sends a tiny jolt through her body. She pushes it down and shakes her head.

"Please, I'd rather be shot than have Bucky be attracted to me. He probably just felt guilty about the other day. And he should."

Wanda grins.

"Be careful what you wish for. Where are you staying in New York?"

"Uh, a hotel," Eden lies. She's not about to tell her cop best friend that she's gotten involved with the Sokovians. Wanda would have a stroke if she found out.


Eden nods and Wanda sighs.

"You're getting yourself into trouble."

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